MAC 2008 Icon Speculation and Dame Edna Discussion

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by Princesa Livia
I just did a search on google and found this, its a small blog article by a makeup artist who has received a Gladiola lipstick! she has a photo of it too

Thanks! Stickers huh...I guess for those of you who don't like the glasses, you can take em off for plain purple packaging?

Randy Rose

Well-known member
Fucking stickers!?!?! GARRRRRRR!!!!

I am not having this. I'm so annoyed. I'll still probably get Gladiola (after swatching to compare to Hollywood Nights) and the Wisteria trio, but I'm very annoyed. Why couldn't they do a foil inlay like with Heatherette? Grrrrrrr. I'll be depotting the trio and B2Ming if that is the case. Booooo! Why would they ruin such a fierce collection!?
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