MAC alcohol based or water based Mixing medium?


Well-known member
I need a mixing medium for my pigments, and am not sure which of these is the best. Whats the difference? What do you reccomend? Thanks!!!


Well-known member
It depends on what you are using it for. If you want it for pigments on the eyes, you need the water mm. If you want it for body art, then you need the alcohol mm. I only use the water mm, and have never bought it in alcohol form.


Well-known member
If you plan on using it on your eyes, get the water-based. You don't want to put alcohol anywhere near your eyes.


Well-known member
You can also make your own water based mixing medium...

I think it's 1 part glycerin to 3 parts water.


Well-known member
I use MAC water based mm to apply straight cosmetic grade micas and it's amazing. Think 100% colour pay off & great adhesion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by VioletB
You can also make your own water based mixing medium...

I think it's 1 part glycerin to 3 parts water.

This is what I do also... and I reuse the bottle from a long gone waterbased mixing medium...