MAC Book of Cards photo book. PRO STORES.


Well-known member
Has anyone seen this? It's hilarious.

It's all naked people in body paint.
Some guy and a flower painted on the tip of his penis.

Laugh of the day.


Well-known member
Yeah, its the same as the deck of cards

I think its actually cool, a lot of really interesting people had a part in it.


Well-known member
I didn't take the time to look at it, but my mom did....

and she was offended.
She said 'What the hell is that???? Naked fat woman with leopard colours?'

She also said to my dad 'I've seen a penis with body paint on it, I don't know how makeup-artists can do that without starting to laugh.'

Hahahaha sorry again mom.
I promise that I'll never let you see stuff like that again.


Active member
man i had a pack when they first came out years ago and have no idea what i did with them......heres a funny story..i was doing body paint on a male model...we did alot of black full coverage and then did faux crystals in different colors to make it look like an exploding guess who had crotch duty!? he had underwear with a cup on, and there i am using full coverage black on the cup trying to get the underwear to blend with the skin...ofcourse we had to make a joke,,,but then you just have to get down to business and get it over turned out so cool...wish i would have gotten a pic...


Well-known member
I have the deck and think they are awesome! I can't imagine all that work to make each one! Naked doesn't bother me, lol