Mac eyeshadows that can be used for eyebrow fillers?


Active member
i have dark brown hair and light brown eyebrows and am looking for a mac eyeshadow colour to fill them in with a shade darker.

any recommendations? what does everyone else use to fill in their brows?


Well-known member
I have dark brown hair and brows, and I use Dark Edge to fill mine in... don't know what I'm going to use when it's gone though! Maybe try Espresso, or if that's too dark, Cork.


Active member
I have dark brown hair. I use cork to fill mine in. If cork is too light then i would say go for Espresso.


Well-known member
My favorite MA filled in my brows with Mystery (would never have chose it ) and since I'm hooked. SO yeah one more vote for mystery, I have black brown hair right now, worked with my black and brown hair too.


Well-known member
I use Coquette.


Well-known member
I am NW 15 with brown hair and a tad lighter brows, I use Coquette and it looks really natural - if Coquette was too light (or maybe I wanted a bolder look), I would try Mystery.