Mac fix +


Well-known member
Just broke my mac virginity hey! Got my first mac product which is fix +. How do you use it? Ps give me different ways you use it. Thanks!


Well-known member favorite ways to use it are to set my makeup (spray lightly over your face when your makeup is done), to dampen my brush when I'm using a shadow as a liner, or applying pigments, and best of all (for me, anyway) as a skin refresher. I pop it into the fridge during the summer, and after I've been outside and I'm feeling gross, I blot my face off with a paper towel, and spritz it all over my face and neck. It feels like heaven, and keeps your skin moisturized.


Well-known member
i use it for a skin refresher, sometimes a finish spray for my face make-up, a spray onto the brushes to make a certain face product glow, and also as a mixing medium for shadows/pigments!


Well-known member
Thanks all! I tried it to give me a glow. My FH complimented my makeup which was great! Am loving this!


Well-known member
The only thing I use it for (and I love it, btw), is I spray my brush before I apply my foundation (mineralized skin finish natural).


Well-known member
I use it to set my makeup and get rid of any over-powdered effect ^_^ I just spray it directly on my face. It's amazing also for the cooling effect!