mac "flammable" paint


Well-known member
i have seen this product in alot of peoples collections, but it doesnt seem particularly universal product and colour, what do all of you use it for?


Well-known member
Well i have it and i use it for Costumes, and party's. But sometimes i use it to make coopering pop! And i only use a tiny bit.


Well-known member
as a base? id never thought of it like that, it just seems weird bc whenever iv seen people have it, its the only paint they have.. i was just wondering if there was something i didnt know


Well-known member
I use it to make reds or pinks pop. Its also great under some difficult purpley colours (like tish said, beauty marked). It's an incredibly intense red, so it works really well. A little goes a long way.
Imo, paints are no the best base around, but out of all the bases i know, this is the best red.


Well-known member
oh how i wish i owned flammable! it really is an amazing red! i'd use it as a base or even on it's own on the lid and smoke it out with carbon.


Active member
I use it under Coppering, Copper Sparkle, Antiqued, Cranberry. I even used a TINY bit as a blush with pink pearl piggie over it! It was gorgeous!


Active member
I pretty much use Flammable under anything that I want to give more of a "red" pop. And it isn't a super bright red anyways, it's more of a darkened red, so the "sickly" look isn't as pronounced.