MAC Handwritten eyeshadow help please


Well-known member
I received what is supposed to be a depotted Handwritten eyeshadow from someone. This person has good feedback so I don't have any reason to believe it's fake based on her.

However, Handwritten is listed as a Matte shadow but looking at this pan (which has no label on the bottom) I see sparkles. It's not a shimmery texture, but clearly has sparkles in the shadow (very small ones). Can anyone who owns Handwritten take a look at tell me if theirs has sparkles also? Was I just assuming wrongly that a Matte wouldn't have any?

Thanks in advance for your help!


Well-known member
yes, if you look real close there's some tiny tiny sparkles in it.

This is based on my pro pan version of it that I purchased from a MAC pro store.


Well-known member
Thanks so much! It's so odd that they wouldn't mention that in the description at the website, and yet I'm not terribly surprised either lol. Thanks for easing my mind!


New member
Yeah, mine too. The part of the e/s pan that is unused has small sparkles in the shadow. The used part is matte. Try using it a few times. It's a matte shadow.