MAC international customers: How to shop online?


Well-known member
I'm in love with , if i had enough money i'd buy almost EVERYTHING xD

The problem now is that I live in Spain and they not accept international orders
I'm sure you specktra girls know how to shop from being an international customer. Maybe someone who buy things for you? Maybe an US mailing address?

Please, comment your tips

PS: I'm not sure about where to post this thread, moderators feel free to move it wherever it belongs


Well-known member
I live in Norway, and I've been shopping lots from MAC Online. I either ask someone to please do some CP (custom purchasing) on my behalf, or I use my US-address which you can obtain here: MyUS - US Mail Forwarding, Worldwide Shipping - be aware that it's kinda expensive, although I'm very glad that I have an account with them. If you're gonna use MyUS for shopping at MAC, you'll have to use their "Personal Shopper", which costs a little extra.

Good luck, and feel free to ask anything!


Well-known member
darklocke thank you for your answer

I've been surfing trough MyUS and it seems a little bit to expensive to my needs, but it's an opcion that I will keep in mind.

So about Custom Purchase, have you ever had a bad experience? I mean, I don't know if I can trust in someone i don't know :S

That's why I guess the CP is done by someone you know, am i right?

And last but not least, are you paying to the person is doing you a CP?

Thanks in advance


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lilithbloody
So about Custom Purchase, have you ever had a bad experience? I mean, I don't know if I can trust in someone i don't know :S

That's why I guess the CP is done by someone you know, am i right?

And last but not least, are you paying to the person is doing you a CP?

Thanks in advance

I've had CP's done for me by three different people here on Specktra. I didn't know any of them before they did the CP on my behalf, and none of them asked for any money to do me this favor. I'm not quite sure what you mean by your last question, but yes - I transfer the amount of money by Paypal. This is done before the purchase is done, naturally to secure the person doing it - and to me that is a matter of course. I wouldn't dream of asking a stranger for "credit" to do me a favor that I initially asked for myself. I also try to have the revised list ready, instead of making lots of changes after having sent it to the one doing the shopping - that makes it a lot easier, and the chance for getting another CP with that same person is a lot bigger when the transaction is smooth and easy.

I must emphasize that I take honor in being honest, and also honoring my word - and I like to think that other people would treat me the same way that I would treat them. I never ask for a CP unless I have the money ready (or a date when I know I have the money needed available), I pay my invoices instantly, and I always communicate with the person doing the CP.

Last I have to admit that I might be a person who's a wee bit too trusting, but I haven't had one single bad experience with CP's here on Specktra. If you find a person willing to CP for you, you might be lucky enough to find someone who would do it on a regular basis - or whenever you need to.

HTH! Good luck.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by purple_pumpkin
I would also like to know more about myus ...

What would you like to know? Don't hesitate to ask, and I'll do my best to answer.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by darklocke
I'm not quite sure what you mean by your last question

That's because of my poor english..:p

Your post is so complete that you've already answered the question. I didn't know if you had to pay for the favour itself (I guessed that no one would do a CP for me without paying the items first)

I can't thank you enough for your wonderful help, you solved me some doubts before I had them


Well-known member
I don't think your English is poor at all, but being a foreigner myself sometimes makes it difficult to understand what someone means when asking a question.
I'm glad I could help, feel free to ask again if there's something else I can help you with!