MAC Items Being Discontinued in 2014


Well-known member
Seedy Pearl is one of my favorite eyeshadows. I'm very disappointed its being discontinued :( I need back ups!!!

honey b

Well-known member
Seedy Pearl is one of my favorite eyeshadows. I'm very disappointed its being discontinued
I need back ups!!!
I've had it sitting in my drawer for months. How do you wear it? All over the lid or do you have some combination that you use it with?


Well-known member
i really was digging that skin brightening serum
i use that in the winter instead of moisturizer
I've heard that the Lightful serum is the same thing but w/the "lightful" ingredients added. Maybe this will work just as well for you.


Well-known member
I just looked on the website after having slowed down buying Mac, I can't believe Strobe Liquid is being discontinued!!!!


Well-known member
Can anyone post a comparison of Cajun MCLP and the Golden Bronze IP please? I'm trying to decide if it's worth having both.


Well-known member
I think Ill purchase a back up of pink swoon ive already hit pan on it and I dont see the potted version left on the canadian site .. also interested in silver dusk.
but this list does surprise me, especially strobe liquid!


Well-known member
I went to Nordies and partially lost my mind....only.slightly. lol. Got the strobe liquid, pink rebel lustre drops, honey rose powder since it's no longer on mac and soooooo pretty. Plus a couple other things. I will be shimmering for years to come Edit: after that I logged on and ordered golden bronze powder....I need help lol


Well-known member
I don't use many things on the list of stuff being DC'd however why are getting rid of the prep and prime items.


Well-known member
I haven't been keeping an eye on the 2013 DC'd items but now just got an email that my Prep and Prime Skin Enhancer in adjust (and all other colors) have been discontinued!!!! Damn I just thought it was on a long backorder but I don't even see it online. It's a sad sad day when I run out since it's my HG primer


Well-known member
I should have asked why. All I know is I'm playing catch up, so I had to try everything out before it was gone. Saved money by testing it and nor just ordering. I skipped a lot.....well enough.


Well-known member
I had to back up Vibrancy Eye x2! Wondering if I should get more? I hope this means they are replacing it with something better, that's why I'm nervous to stock up too much. But then what if there's NO replacement?? VE is such a unique product! I'm sad.
Never got around to trying the regular Strobe Liquid but I love the summer version (Golden Elixir). Guess there's still Strobe Cream if that helps anyone feel a little better?!


Well-known member
I had to back up Vibrancy Eye x2! Wondering if I should get more? I hope this means they are replacing it with something better, that's why I'm nervous to stock up too much. But then what if there's NO replacement?? VE is such a unique product! I'm sad.
Never got around to trying the regular Strobe Liquid but I love the summer version (Golden Elixir). Guess there's still Strobe Cream if that helps anyone feel a little better?!
I'm debating how many times I'm going to back up my Prep and Prime Skin Enhancer LOL it's not even on the website anymore. I'm trying to get a hold of my people at Mac pro to see what they have left lol