MAC Neutral Eyeshadows help


Well-known member
What are your favourite ones to put together to create that look?

I'm actually quite pale a NC15 skin with brown eyes. I'm looking for only four neutral eyeshadows from mac to work together but the ones i was thinking are -

Highlight - Vanilla or Shroom
Lid - Satin Taupe or All That Glitters
Crease - Wedge or Expresso
Outer v - Handwritten or Swish Chocolate

If any of you could give me your opinions to help me that would be great <3 hope i made sense and wasn't sure where to place this thread.


Well-known member
Lid = Seedling
Crease = Concrete
Outer V = Bough Grey
Highlight = Shroom or Tissueweight


Lid = Cosmic
Crease = Wedge
Outer V = Saddle
Highlight = Tissueweight