MAC o' Phile to MAC Artist!


Well-known member
Hey all,

It's my 1-week-i-versary here are Specktra. I can't thank you all enough for the warm welcome and all of the knowledge sharing. You/we - definitely an amazing group.

I have great news.

I had been 'lurking' on Trashionista's "I feel so stupid" thread just itching to hint at the fact that I was waiting on paperwork to go from Freelance/On Call to Permanent. Well I got my phone call today for a July 9th start.
I'll be a 24 hr Part-time.

Very excited does not even begin to describe how I feel about going to work @ MAC on a regular basis. My back and forth jaunts between NYC & Detroit (interview/work/interview/interview/work/work) will become living back in the D. I would rather be in NY, but this happened first, and face it - it's the place I'd love to work. I had just semi-re-relocated less than a year ago. Thank goodness I kept my place and thank goodness for a big brother that lives in Long Island and thank goodness for Dad who throws me all of his airline miles/awards.

I'll be at Macy's North - Somerset Collection in Troy, MI. This MAC counter happens to be the one where I put in the most freelance time, great group of people there that I truly enjoy working with.

Many exciting oppurtunities await, so here we go...


Well-known member
Wow Jennifer, that's so great. I'm glad you said something
Now it's my turn to say it back to you... C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! !


July 9th is also when I become Full-Time Perm. Hooray for us! What a great year 2007 is turning out to be.



Well-known member

I am sure you are going to rock it at MAC. You are so professional and knowledgeable!
I wish you were at my counter/store then I could come bother you.


Well-known member
Congrats!! You will love Somerset Mall, it's gorgeous!! I used to live in the area, so if you have any q's, pm me. I can tell you all the good shopping!!