Mac one-on-one interview


I was wondering if someone can tell me (ASAP) the type of questions mac managers ask during this interview.
i've already gone through the group and make-up applications interviews.



Well-known member
I had a one-on-one earlier in the week and actually before I had it I stopped by a MAC counter to ask the very same question. First, go to the website and get as much info as possible about the company and MAC AIDS fund. Think about what you would contribute to MAC - how you would run a counter. I was asked the following:

Why do you want to work for MAC.
Questions regarding a time you failed, a time a customer was unhappy and what I did to overcome.
How would I help a customer.
How would you close the sale.

There were also questions pertaining to resume and skill level. I don't want to give everything away, but just go confidently into the interview and you will be fine


Well-known member
There are no specific set of questions that your interviewer will ask. Questions vary from person to person. Be prepared to be asked questions regarding your retail skill level, MAC's origins/history, MAC's charitable work with Viva Glam/Kids Helping Kids/etc, and teamwork. As well as others but as I previously stated, questions will vary.

Chrissi Star

Active member
I had an interview last week as well. I was asked the same questions as divinity. A time u failed and what u could have done better, how u would close the sale, experience, what I knew about the company, what my strenghts and weaknesses were, and general 'rate yourself' interview questions. You'll do fine. Exude confidence, and be sure of yourself! Doing research on the company before the interview is also a great idea! Know about back to mack, and the aids foundation. And don't forget to relax and have fun!


Well-known member
I dont work for MAC but in general for any job, I would state that I'm flexiable, honest and a teamplayer.
My weakness..I would pulse for a minute and think to myself and smile and say, "I'm sorry but I have none".
I hope this helps you and Good Luck..


Well-known member
Be careful, saying you have no weaknesses can backfire. I know that our HR manager (in my non-makeup job) generally sees this as an inability to be self-aware of areas for improvement or they are not being honest because no one is perfect. Instead of thinking of it as weaknesses, think of it as areas with room for improvement.

Answers that I generally hear (when I have openings in my non-makeup job) are "perfectionism", "need to learn to let things go", "sometimes I'm too willing to take on everything", etc.

Good luck.

Chrissi Star

Active member
I'm the store manager at my place of work, and am in charge of all the hiring. You don't ever want to state that you do not have any flaws. Everybody has flaws, nobody's perfect. If someone told me they do not have any flaws in an interview, that to me would be their first flaw, they are a liar, and will say what they need to to me to get the job, and in the future they will lie to stay out of trouble. I agree with above stated "taking on too much etc." Others might be being self critical, or you could even put it more directly to working at MAC and say u could work on product knowledge. As for strengths, in retail position you want to stress people skills, and sales as strengths. Good luck!