MAC product specialists UNITE!!!


Well-known member
thought we could all come in here and kick some ideas around. like for events, themes, boosting morale, etc. heres some things im doing:

- product d'jour= i pick a product and have everyone write down a lil blurb about it, like ingrediants, brushes/products that go with it, what it does, why they love it, each person adds a peice to make it one big FABCE, then i put them in a binder for us to refrence. its a good tool to learn from each other.

-tear sheet book= ive told everyone to go through magazines and find head shots, then on a peice of paper they need to write down all the products they would use to create the look. i will laminate them and put them in a book, with catagories like bridal, natural, smokey, celebrity, etc. that way when people say "i want to look like kim kardashian" we can pull out the tear sheet and show every product we would use to give that look. hello instant shopping list. this will also condition the artists who need to get their advance cert.

- artists choice= once a month a choose an artist (who isnt active in themes) and have them choose the theme, they pick the look, the products, suggest dresscode and create a face chart for inspo, this way they cant complain that the theme 'sucks"

-the "i dare....." board= havent made it yet, but for fun i want to make a board that says "i dare.... " across the top and have cubes with all the artists names in them with space for other artists to write in challenges/dares for them. i'll have some stickers hanging there that say "i accept" so when they take on a challenge they can put a sticker on that dare. so for the artists who only wears myth, she can be dared to wear MAC red, or the artist who only does natural makeup on clients can be dared to put color on his/her client (so the dares can be about their personal makeup or the makeup they do on customers). i think it will be fun, almost like a game, and itll be a cool way to mix things up.

so what are some of your ideas?

what are you planning for dame edna? that project has been given to me and i want to blow it up!

so lets brainstorm!


Well-known member
we need to make it an event, the other mac store in my town is having drag queens come in, we dont want to copy them so we need something else to generate sales. what do any of you have planned?


Well-known member
Heyyy!!!! I'm the product specialist!! 8D

For Dame Edna? I dunno. I don't think we're gonna have anything special other than DRAGQUEENFACES. We're just a lil Macy's counter in a town that sorta doesn't really mostly understand us. We get alot of New Yorkers though so that switches it up a little. Not sure but it's great that you put this thread together.

Last week was Little Dollies theme, which was using the Little Darlings to create a porcelain doll look. :3

This weekend is Metalix. Super frosty eyes with glittery cheeks and a neutral lip.


Well-known member
we are inviting the "red hat society" to come in before store hours to purchase dame edna peices (since its purple and red). im gonna try to find some purple wigs or something fun for us to wear. i will tell you im very excited to plan the event for HK!!


Well-known member
OMG im so excited this thread was started!!

we have boxes with 5 products from old collections that we need to sell before they are RTV'd. the first person to sell their box gets gratis

i also want to have a "sell your face" day where you try to get customers to purchase products you are wearing that day.

i have no clue what im coming up with for metal urge...this collection is so uninspiring to me. however, i can't wait for chill!! im thinking of doing glitter lashes again and a lost of frost...a glam kinda snowbunny!


Well-known member
ohhh i love the limited life box idea. i think i may use that, thanks! metal urge was uninspiring for me as well =/, we all hate the metal x shadows, so convincing 9 unwilling peeps to wear em in the first place was hard. im in a store and our next collection is monogram (the couture collection), its really pretty so i think i can come up with something nice for it. dame edna has me stumped, theres another mac store 15 minutes from us and they are having drag queens come and hang out in the store. well i dont want to copy them but i wanna do something cool for the dame. the pressure is on me here, if i do well with this event, i get to do HK!!


Well-known member
Im hoping and praying we get monogram at our counter...i know select nordstroms get to carry it but we havent been told if we're one of them

i wanted to bring trannies to the store for dame edna, but i am willing to bet my paycheck management would freak out if i brought up the idea. so i think i wanna have the girls wear pink boas instead lol


Well-known member
when i had my bachlorette party my sis got these paper glasses that looked like dame ednas, they said things like "bride to be" maid of honor" "bridesmaid" on them . i want to find those and maybe paint over the titles and make them red and glittery for everyone, i though about wigs but boas will probly be less expensive. i like bouncing ideas off you!! thanks!!


Well-known member
OMG where did she get the glasses?? that would be PERFECT!!!! i think we're just gonna make ourselves look like hot tranny messes..big hair, obnoxiously pink lips...oh man i can't wait!!


Well-known member
found a website where i can get a dozen lavendar boas for $11. so we are gonna wear those, we are also trying to find a female impersonator to act as a greeter and we will pay her/him with gratis.


Well-known member
What a great thread!!

I'm not the Prod Spec for our store, but I might suggest some ideas to her, and bring back to you ladies what we do.

ETA: For Metal Urge we all wore metallic accessories (scarves, shoes, hats etc)


Well-known member
i just found out we're extending our DE event to 6 days...oh man..i have no clue what to do!! We cant do anything outlandish since we work at we're gonna try to get flair approved and wear tons of jewels.

have you gotten the packets where we have to come up with new colors and products to give our trainers for their seminar??


Well-known member
yeah i let everyone submit ideas and then we voted. the one we came up with was a lip erase in a prolongwear formula. basically it would nuetralize the color of the lip and would fade or rub off, then you could apply any color on top and it would show up in true form. this would be good for those women who dont like how their natural lip pigment changes the lipstick shade. we had a bunch of good ideas, but that got the most votes.


Well-known member
We were goofing around the other day and came up with a fun concept for our store, and are going to build a theme day around it!

Details to come later!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by II3rinII
yeah i let everyone submit ideas and then we voted. the one we came up with was a lip erase in a prolongwear formula. basically it would nuetralize the color of the lip and would fade or rub off, then you could apply any color on top and it would show up in true form. this would be good for those women who dont like how their natural lip pigment changes the lipstick shade. we had a bunch of good ideas, but that got the most votes.

dang thats an awesome idea!! i wish my team had more chances to meet, but we're not given nonselling hours from nordstrom to have we're all winging this solo. the best i have come up with is a see-through cheek stain...i was inspired by the stain from it.


I have just become Product Specialist at our counter and my first Product Specialist meeting is in a couple weeks.

I was just wondering what to expect from the meeting. Is it like Update? Or is it different?


Well-known member counter doesnt get any nonsell hours to hold meetings, so i havent been able to go to one. update for me is on the 20th though, so i'm super excited about that.