MAC Studio Finish shade + blush help?


Active member
I was suggested (by an MUAer) to try Studio Finish concealer to help cover post-acne brown marks/surface scars. I'm on the darker side of Studio Sculpt NC20 (I'm a tad tan from the summer...which is surprising 'cause I don't really tan lol anyway..), what shade would I be in Studio Finish Concealer?

Oh! Also, one of my problems is that the concealer I'm currently using (MUFE Full Cover) turns my brown marks greyish...and so she said if I'm NC, to go an NW concealer (this apparently works well for her brown marks), but I remember hearing somewhere that NW should only be used on the undereye area?

Lastly, I've never used a blush before...can anyone reccomend an everyday, natural-looking blush for NC20?

Thank you!


Well-known member
I can't really help you with the concealer question (sorry!), but I'm NC20 and I wear Blushbaby for my blush everyday! It's a gorgeous matte pink!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xkatietron
I can't really help you with the concealer question (sorry!), but I'm NC20 and I wear Blushbaby for my blush everyday! It's a gorgeous matte pink!

I second that. I'm NC20-25, and Blushbaby is my one MAC blush I've purchased. I love it.


Well-known member
Well, yes, traditionally, and NW concealer would work well under the eyes because it helps counter the bluish/grayish undertones there. If that's what you're trying to conceal elsewhere though (dark marks) the NW might work a lot better. I would go to the MAC counter and try it out.