MAC vs Sephora position


New member
Ok so I am a former MAC employee I had stepped down to focus on my school but now I'm considering to go back - a pt position is available n I am somewhat considering it bc I miss working for MAC -but- I got offered a position for sephora which is FT the pay is the same as MAC and I will get benefits too - but I'm so confused - everyone tells me to stick with this sephora position but I just miss MAC lol What would y'all do?? Drive 30min for a pt shift for a company u really like or drive 2 min to a FT shift w/benefits to a job u just applied just for the hell of it??


Well-known member
This has nothing to do with working for a makeup company and I'm just speaking on a whim from personal experiences with career choices; do what you love :) you'll be much happier at the end of the day.