MAC's bad LE policy


Why does MAC make these LE lines impossible to get, but still available to resellers? It seems that if you are not online within an hour (sometimes less) of the release you get shut out and yet later that day people are listing them on ebay with like 6-10 available. This is really starting to make me lose interest in MAC to the potential of stopping buying their products. LE is fine, but make it a 24 hour guaranteed window and for god sakes limit it to 2 per customer to stop the resellers (its not like MAC makes money on the resale).


Well-known member
Why does MAC make these LE lines impossible to get, but still available to resellers? It seems that if you are not online within an hour (sometimes less) of the release you get shut out and yet later that day people are listing them on ebay with like 6-10 available. This is really starting to make me lose interest in MAC to the potential of stopping buying their products. LE is fine, but make it a 24 hour guaranteed window and for god sakes limit it to 2 per customer to stop the resellers (its not like MAC makes money on the resale).
Sometimes it is really annoying with MAC. I don't know why they don't limit orders to 2 (equal) items per customer, doesn't make any sense to me.
Maybe they act like that to make people talk about it and to want those items all the more.
I even think that this "accidental" relase of that "mystery" collection was done by them on purpose, bec people will talk about it. Any publicity is good publicity


Agreed, at the end of the day we all just want pretty lipstick and blush - why should they make it so hard for us?!

I guess it's just extra publicity.


Well-known member
I think this is a great topic because I have noticed this with specific MAC items and have become somewhat annoyed by their policy. Ultimately I believe this goes back to "you want what you cant have." By making certain MAC products Limited Edition (LE), they are in essence driving up the demand because they make limited quantities. From a marketing perspective this makes sense because it sets MAC apart from other business, ultimately giving them license to charge more for these items. What happens as a result of making a product LE is people over purchase specific items and re-sell on various forums such as EBay. Popular, harder to obtain items means sellers have an advantage in raising the price of an item. Take MACs Whisper of Gilt as an example. Most recently, this item, which retailed at $29/30 when released was being sold on EBay for over $100. That is absolutely insane!!! What makes this product worth that much? The market (Limited Edition) and the demand (not enough customers able to get this item).

One possible solution would be to stop making these items Limited Edition. This seems to unlikely given that MAC has a stake in the LE market. They really know how to capitalize on making customers anxious to buy the next big product which is released ona specific date and if you miss the boat then too bad! Compare this to another makeup brand that doesn't impose LE restrictions on their items. There is less of a demand at the onset of release and less likelihood that customers will pay exorbitant prices for these items because of their availability.

One possible solution to this dilemma (as previously suggested) would be to impose a restriction on the number of items one can purchase on the MAC website. Of course, by adding a restriction to the number of items one can purchase does not entirely solve the problem of customers buying popular items in large quantities and reselling at a higher rate. If you limit the number of items one can purchase online, that person will most likely seek other possible venues for purchasing these items (cosmetic counters, asking friends to purchase online).

MAC should recognize that creating LE products causes customers distress and imposes an unfair market share. Ultimately I believe they know what they are doing and don't seem to mind that customers re-sell popular items at 200% markup from the original value.

Just my two cents.


Well-known member
Here you can't buy more them 4 similair items, you can't buy more then 24 different colours, you can't buy for mor then € 650,- and if you go to a counter they never have more then 2 of each colour for sale. I get why they do it but it makes me more likely to shop LE's. In the end it is almost never worth the hassel. Unless when I go online and LE's are still sold there. Then I would love to put them in my online basket.