Makeover Haul + Makeover Pics


Well-known member
So I had my first ever makeover with the sweetest MA named Megan at the Mall of America store. She was awesome and spent a little over an hour and a half with me trying on eye looks for each of the eyeshadow duos and testing all the blushes, color matching foundation and concealer and doing the actual make over.

This is my last haul till Cult of Cherry, I swear

*Mac Stuff

Select SPF15 Foundation in NC45 & NC50
2 Foundation Pumps
Select Moisture Cover in NW 40 (so happy I finally have a concealer that covers my undereye circles )
116 Brush
188 Brush
208 Brush
272 Brush
Brush Cleanser
Mac Wipes

Mineralize Blushes
- Love Thing
- Merrily
- Love Joy
- Gleeful

Mineralize Eyeshadows
- Love Connection
- Sea & Sky
- Two To Glow
- Fresh Green Mix
- Odd Couple
- Play On Plums

Brow Shader in Ivoire/Walnut (not pictured)

*Sephora Stuff

Evian Facial Spray Trio
Mini Tweezerman Tweezers
Boscia Blotting Linens
Philosophy Hope in A Jar
Philosophy Microdelivery Mini Peel Pads

And just for fun what i looked like after the makeover, the lipgloss had worn off a bit so it's not a perfect as it was when i left.

