makeup lingo


Well-known member
Couldn't find a thread on this but thought it would be pretty cool for all newbies out there including myself I'm sure on all the makeup lingos we come across on makeup forums, I know I was clueless to and have since learned quite a bit. feel free to add any! here are mine that I can think of at the moment.

wing-eyeliner "winged" out for cat eye affect
foiling-pigment or eyeshadows used wet
fall out-eyeshadow that falls on cheeks while applying
cut crease-very visible line drawn right above natural eye crease drag queen
outer v-side ways v on outer part of eye giving cat eye affect
outer c- sideways c on outer part of eye giving smoky eye affect
dupes-any shade of cosmetics that resembles another brand


Well-known member
HG- Holy Grail, as in your go-to perfect makeup item
CCO- Estee-Lauder owned shops that sell discounted products from their lines, including MAC
MES- Mineralize eye shadows
MSF- Mineralize skin-finish
L/G- Lipglass or lipgloss
L/S- Lipstick
E/S- Eyeshadow
L/L- Lip-liner
Waterline- The innermost rim of the eyelid