makeup storage suggestions!


Active member
Hi Hi i'm Brittney aka Bri ^.^ i'm 12 and i'm getting into makeup i have a little box where i keep my money i'm getting 80 dollars soon so im thinking of spending 43 of it for makeup storage or maybe makeup my camera is broken but ill use my mothers phone so i use a dolce and gabanna gift set makeup bag to store all of my makeup i have a make things 1 real brush and stuff.I'm hoping to get started with my collection with some ideas from you lovely darlings <3 by the way ive been collecting since june 2010.


Well-known member
I would get a plastic set of drawers, you can get that pretty much anywhere and for cheap... They come in various sizes... You can even get small organizer baskets for pencils, mascara, etc.

Thats what I did when I realized I was getting too much makeup for my bathroom drawer. So I got a small size one, which ended up being too small, so I went with the same style, just deeper drawers... My only problem was that it was too tall for my small bathroom counter, so I just kept it in my room

So yeah, cheap enough you can still splurge on more makeup :)