Making "bad" lipcolors work


Active member
I have two lipsticks, VGIV and Embraceable that just do not work for me. I've tried putting gold gloss overtop to make them warmer, but they still didn't look nice. What a good way to get these to work on an NC20 face? TIA


Well-known member
Try lip pencils or the creamstick liners by MAC! Some recs: Pencils: Spice, Subculture, Stripdown, Chicory.
Creamstick Liners: Beurre, Cream O'Spice

Outline, then fill-in lips with pencil, then top with lipglass. Sticks on better than just putting lipglass over the lipglass or lipstick under the lipglass. Perfect if you don't like to wear lipstick either. Pencils give great color without the feel of lipstick. HTH!


Well-known member
Creme Sticks are a good idea, and also playing around with different lipglosses over them. For Embraceable, try Pink Clash if you have it, or Glamoursun. Both of those look really pretty over it!