Male or female gyno?


Well-known member
So I am trying to find new ob/gyn since I recently moved out of Manhattan and don't want to keep trekking back to see my old doc. She was just ok - I never felt really comfortable talking to her and now I am trying to decide whether I should see one of the male gynos by me since they got great reviews. The things is, I've never been to a male gyno and am super shy. Has anyone been to both a male and female doc and prefer one over the other? Or how did you pick your doc?


Well-known member
I've been to both, and tho I feel like women understand what's going on 'down there' more, I kinda prefer a man! lol in my expierence, they're more gentle and seem to really listen to what you have to say. But at the same time, maybe I just haven't found a woman that I like yet! haha

Good luck!


Well-known member
If you choose a male gyno, your pelvic exam will be chaperoned by a female nurse. But I've also had a female chaperone with a female gyno. I think there's just lots of potential liability issues, so the the trend is towards having chaperones in general.

No problem with male versus female for me, as long as the male gyno isn't ancient. My military entrance exam was done by this little old guy who was 80 if he was a day. Nothing inappropriate; it was just weird


Well-known member
I've had both. I don't know why men would want to be gynecologists...maybe its womb envy and the fact that women can do so many amazing things with their bodies that men can't. I have had some really good men gynos but they do not understand what it is like to menstruate, lactate, etc, first hand. The women and some of the younger docs are often more medically conservative and less likely to remove healthy organs like uteruses just because there are lots of fibroids or bleeding. They are more likely to do less invasive procedures (gynecology is a surgical sub-specialty, lets face it...) I work with gynecologic surgeons everyday-men and women-and sometimes you just got to ask around because you don't have the opportunity to work with them.


Well-known member
I've only had a woman gyno and would never go to a male gyno. I just don't feel comfortable with some strange guy shoving his hand up my whooha. When a woman does it it's still not a walk in the park but I'm a little more comfortable with it.


Well-known member
I am not comfortable with a male doctor at all...having a male check out my nether regions seems really weird and uncomfortable even close to traumatic lol. There was a male doctor who was supposed to give me an IE while I was in labor (it's an exam to check cervical dilation) and I refused and requested for a woman instead.


Well-known member
I think my issue is unconscious. I prefer to go to a woman, because I had years of abuse as a child. So, it's really difficult for me to even go to a doctor. I cry every time I go. I just have to talk through the tears.

little teaser

Well-known member
i perfer a woman gyno for checkups and reg stuff, i feel more comfortable and comunicate better with a woman when it comes to female issues
as far as who does the pap it doesnt really matter as long as there gental and im not picky about a ob, woman/male dont matter


Well-known member
Mine is a man. He's been practicing all his life. He's quick, but thorough and I'm totally comfortable with him. I don't think age matters as long as knowledge is there.


Well-known member
I don't see male doctors period, regardless of their specialty. But then, I don't like being touched, particularly by men.

I've heard a lot of people say that female ob/gyns aren't as gentle or as likely to listen but I've never experienced that. I feel like a female is more in tune with my parts since she has them as well.


I love my (male) gyno. He is really nice, makes me feel really comfortable, listens really well. I have had a lot of issues down there (endometriosis, cysts, pre-cancerous cells....the list goes and I never stress about any of it because I know he does all my worrying for me. He makes sure that my exams are regular (every 3-6 months ugh) and that any time there is something to be concerned about we talk through everything. I have seen some of the female doctors in the office, and I just don't get the calm feeling that I get with my male doctor. He is young and attractive, but his professionalism has out-weighed any uncomfortableness that I would have had.


Well-known member
For the female stuff, I really prefer a female doctor who understands how uncomfortable and vulnerable it makes me feel laying back on a table with my feet up in stirrups. I wish they'd find a less invasive way to conduct a yearly PAP and hope in the future all they'll have to do is pass a wand or something like that over my area for a complete exam. Yes, very Star Trek I know

For the rest of my medical care, man or woman doesn't really matter. I've been seeing the same doc for years, he's a man but I still go to a female gyn.


Well-known member
I had a young male doctor who would start sentences like "women your age.....blah blah blah." Like as soon as you pass childbearing age you become invisible, crumble,etc......
I had to gently re-educate him how to phrase a sentence so it didn't sound so....generalized and misogynistic.


Well-known member
I've had both. I prefer a woman just because they can relate to what's going on (if anything) in that area


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Honestly I don't care. As long as they have the bit of paper that says they can do it, all is well. That goes for a general doctor as well.