Matching makeup...


Well-known member
I am by far a MA, but I enjoy doing my makeup
However, I have a hard time matching my eyes with blush and lips. For the longest time, I wore the same blush everyday and just did my lips with my mood for hte day. But i see all of your FOTD's and it looks so "put-together".
Do you just have an eye for it, or is there colors that really do accent each other? TIA


Well-known member
Honestly, just go with what you feel. It's all trial in error. What looks great on me, might look like crap on you. So just play around and see what you like. :p

Remember, make up is about having fun!


Well-known member
I'm the same way. That's why I tend to wear the same blush and clearish lipgloss whenever I do my eyes.


Well-known member
I usually wear the same blush everyday. When I wear warm eyeshadow I try to match it with a warm lip colour and vice versa for cool colours.


Well-known member
I like to keep my colors within the same palette (warms, cools, etc.) but not exactly matched, because then the color doesn't accent your face as well. Sometimes though, clashing colors look really good together, I think it's something that you'd have to just play around with to get a feel for.