Member of the Overly Dewy Skin Club? Celebrate it!


Well-known member
When I was in my teens and constantly breaking out with pimples, I hated my skin and envied the peers that never ever broke out. After my skin cleared up in the twenties, however, I still got all kinds of shiny, I was still prone to blackheads and envied my peers that never got the shines or blackheads.

When I was in my thirties and started breaking out again after I stopped taking the BCP, once again I found myself in total envy for my peers that had the fine complexions I didn't.

Now that I'm in my forties and have gotten my skin back under control, I no longer envy my drier skinned sisters because I'm finally grateful, yes GRATEFUL that I'm a member of the Overly Dewy Skin Club hereafter to be known as the ODSC.

I naturally produce what so many women my age are struggling to replace. True, my pores are still a lot larger than I would wish them to be but I look younger than my age and it's because of the oil my skin still produces in such abundance. It's time to stop hating our oily skin and start loving it!
Oily skin is actually healthier because it tends to be thicker. Our skin barrier offers better protection against the sun than our thin-skinned sisters. Our thicker skin is less prone to wrinkles, hyperpigmentation fine lines than those with drier and thinner skin.

Yep, keep that oil coming ladies and be glad you're a member of the ODSC! I most certainly am!


Well my skin is definitely no longer oily. But I see where you're coming from! Oily skin is less prone to wrinkles because it's overly lubricated. And yes, the oily skin women I come across do tend to look younger once they get the breakouts,etc...under control. My skin has gone from oily to normal-dry, and I use coconut oil on my face to give it that dewy glow. I say, celebrate what you have!


Well-known member
this might sound weird but i kinda miss my oily skin. now its combination-dry because we moved to NY and it's cold and dry here. in california my skin was combination-oily. i really think its easier to deal with oilies because all you have to do is use blot powder, but with dry you have to moisturize REALLY well to make sure theres no more flakes. i think looking oily is better than flaking all over the place! lol