Mixing up eyeshadow textures.


Well-known member
does anyone else do this?

I always feel like i have to have a matte (or at least a less 'sparkly' e/s) in my crease to break up my eye shadow combo. but i onlee kno how to do this with blah browns!

can you guys recommend me e/s combos that you SWEAR BY that uses a matte/satin e/s in the crease?

i have a MU demo for my mac interview comin up, so im trying to collect all the combos i can get!


Well-known member
I always do the opposite, use a sparkly crease color and a matte color for the lid, or a satin texture.

Now I do use swiss chocolate in the crease when I do a sparkly brown look...using like mythology or honeylust as a lid color and then a nude shade on the brow like ricepaper or shroom.

I generally wear omega, soba , and use a shimmer like sensualize on the crease or a green...


Well-known member
I do this a lot, actually. For the most part, I usually wear frosts on the inner corner, lid, and crease, but then I'll use a matte shadow defined in the deep crease. I don't have a catch-all color for this, though, I usually just coordinate it to the crease color, like if I'm doing a blue-green look, I'll put some Plumage or Jewel Blue in the crease, for a green look, Femme Noir, for an orange look, Orange or Rule, etc.