MU Police

Life In Return

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Originally Posted by Pink_lily
But I never call people out on it because I know that at one point in time, I looked like that too.

Exactly. Everyone had a starting point.


Well-known member
I'm definately doing that in my head whenever I'm out and about. If my I'm with my friends, when we're in a bitchy mood, we usually pick out the MAJOR ones. ie. Raccoon Girl (My guy friend actually picked her out because of the severe amount of black eye kohl AND eyeshadow smeared over her lids) or this girl that wears fake eyelashes to school every day.(I'm talking like 5's or 6's here people).
I normally voice my opinions to my friends, but then I proceed to explain why the look/technique doesn't work and give them advice (or direct them here to find advice on the problem). This only works because we all trust each other enough to know we don't criticize out of spite.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by flowerhead
Oh god...excuse me for sounding like a bitch but I know one girl who has flawless skin, but doesn't ever cleanse....just slaps on her foundation where it was the day before *puke*
And she wears a load of brown eyeshadow without mascara!

omg me to! theres these 2 sisters who are seriously rich and buy high end make up (most people i know dont, its not THAT important) anyway one of the sisters doesnt have flawless skin and the other doesnt but they never let people see them without make up and they wake up and just put it back on top, u can tell on one its very cakey and she OTT's it on her forehead due to acne.


Well-known member
I must say that I definitely do this,.. rarely do I vocalize it but sometimes I just cant help myself,.. but thankfully my brain works overtime and it comes out in a complementative suggestion like "Wow,.. you look great,.. ya know you ought to try,..... _______________, that would look amazing on you" LOL But if they are beyond any help that makeup can give,.. then I can't even look at them. Once I was at Nordies and a girl was getting her MU done (not at the MAC counter) and I had to stop,.. I first asked her if she was having her MU done and did she let the girl chose her base,.. then when she said yes I told her that the MA used a color that was too orange and pointed out the right color,.. she seemed pretty grateful,.. She said that she was really glad I stopped,.. she would not have wanted to look like she had a mask on for her prom!


Well-known member
i know i look like ass sometimes when color combo's go wrong or blending is shit or w/e so i generally ask my sister when i am iffy abou tsomething she will tell me the truth and vice versa

but i get so annoyed when one of my best friends never and i mean never listens to what my sister and i tell her...i offer to shape her brows for her she says 'oh no i fixed them you'll like them when you see me' i see her and no change (it isn't like i will make them look bad i shape most of our friends brows) *shaking my head*...i buy her loads of mac and she refuses to be reasonable about what she wears by this i mean she pairs together lipglasses and eyeshadows and glitter lines endlessly 'they all have to match' she says lol

she loves those lancome palettes...and i did her makeup with them a little while ago and she told me when she uses them it never looks that good argggg she never uses more than one of the palletes, never two colors from one and another two colors from a different compact

the funniest is when her younger sister asks myself and my sister about stuff we tell her what little we know and we try things out and my friend will be like 'how come you are getting better at mu and i'm not' to her sister argggggggggggg ...because she listens and trys different things

other than my friends and fam i could care less about strangers i would never go up and start bitching to them about my views lol...but when ppl come up to me and ask i give them answers...most ppl i see in need of help are older women stuck in their ways and younger women who will get better and are just figuring shit out


Well-known member
I've been looking at people a lot more, but mostly to try to get ideas for myself, but I've seen some pretty horrid stuff in the process!

Personally, if I was an offender I would want someone to approach me & let me know & even better if they offer to show me better ways to do it. But maybe that's just me..........


Well-known member
Originally Posted by flowerhead
And she wears a load of brown eyeshadow without mascara!

I have a friend who won't ever wear e/s without mascara, but I do it all the time, I asked her if I could get away with it and she said yeah, depends on the colour e/s. Mascara's too hard for shaky freaks like me.

It looks wrong, but I love seeing little old ladies in the garish lipstick, and Shu Uemura ME blue 638-like metallic turquoise eyeshadow. It cracks me up. I hated it so much I now like it, don't ask.
I know...

I get really frustrated too whenever I see someone thats suppose to be a "professional" doing her makeup like donkeys balls. LOL. Its awful. How can they be professional at what they do if they apply makeup so horroble? 1 person that I know whos a Benefit makeup artist, she wears her blush ALL OVER her cheek. It looks VERY VERY ridiculous. I'm sure no ones told her just not to embarass her, cuz after all shes the "professional". Her eyebrows are really gross aswell. This girl needs help. Bwahhh, my rants done. lol.


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I am, by no means, an expert but I think I know a little something. There's a girl in my dance class whose regular look is: almost non-existent eyebrows, blue shadow, red lipstick, and bright red blush. I don't say anything to her face because we've all been at that point one time is our lives. When we have performances I always make it a point to apply my makeup near her so she can see and ask about what I'm doing. I don't mind helping her!


Well-known member
GIRL I am the CAPTAIN of the squad. I notice anything and everything I will notice it to the color pairings, the brush that they SHOULD have used, to the imperfect sloppy stuff.


Well-known member
I got my friend hooked on MAC awhile ago and she's been using it ever since, but she never used a base... rarrr, it was creased after 10 minutes and looked weird and it drove me nuts! I didn't want to be rude or anything so I gave her a sample of a paint! She loves it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by flowerhead
Oh god...excuse me for sounding like a bitch but I know one girl who has flawless skin, but doesn't ever cleanse....just slaps on her foundation where it was the day before *puke*
And she wears a load of brown eyeshadow without mascara!

Err.. what's wrong with wearing eyeshadow without mascara?


Well-known member
Nah, I'd be the one you'd all be policing!
I don't do anything too garish or bizarre, but I'm still learning. I've gotten a lot better at blending eyeshadows but I still need improvement at applying eye liner, particularly on my top lid for some reason.

But I DO notice what people are wearing a lot more than I used to, and make mental notes of what I like and don't like. Now when I watch a movie, I pay attention to the makeup and I never used to do that!


Well-known member
My mother does it! She wears colors that do not suit her but keeps on buying them. If I wear a purple e/s she wants it too even if it doesn't suit her. I told her but she doesn't listen.


Well-known member
omg I so totally do!!! BUt I also love to compliment people who have gorgeous hair or eyebrows or makeup, and I love to see their reaction!!!

but I know someone at work, and can not be specific, who wear to much and a wrong foundation (both the texture and the color!) and I can't say anything about it, because it would be totally inapropriate! But it looks like her skin is all flaky and I once thought she had a rash, but it was just the foundation! That foundation is drawing attention to her face like crazy, and gawd, I would love to tie her to her chair, wipe the horror of her face, use microfine refinisher, GOOD SKINCARE, and a great liquid foundation! she's be gorgeous..

I just had to rant, thanks, I'm done now!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by joytheobscure
Are you the makeup police? Is the first thing you notice about people (well generally women) is their makeup application technique- after a year of mac and FOTD's and Specktra- I am doing this - I never used to notice, now when I do the "once over" on people, I notice freaking' eyeliner application or how many shades of eyeshadow someone is wearing.

My pet peeve is someone wearing a darker shade (lid color) from lashline to brow that is just too dark, I just want to step in and give advice. I feel really bitchy when I notice things like that.

I just want to know how abnormal I am or if y'all do this too. I also want to see a show on the style channel devoted to makeup and makeup looks and brands - one that isn't selling anything, like the allure special they had on a few weeks ago.. I think that would be great.

I used to not do this...until I started working in was all over!!!

I am the captain of the makeup police!


Well-known member
Oh, I feel like the chief of the makeup police whenever I am at work (drugstore cosmetics counter). I rarely ever comment, but I am cringing, inside. Women who buy the wrong foundation for their skin type, the wrong color, makeup that would look just plain ol' ugly, and so on and so forth.

Yesterday I saw just about the worst offender I have ever seen. She was a woman who was probably in her late 30's/early 40's, and she looked like she smeared caramel-colored paint all over her face in a mask-like way. You could clearly see the lines of demarcation, even where she stopped smearing on her brown war-paint right around her eyes. It looked like a mask with cut-outs for the eyes! Oh god, I wanted to laugh, so bad.

She was returning a foundation at my counter. Oh good, she's going to go get one that is a proper shade for her face. Nope. She returns with a DARKER shade than the one she had before! She sat a Maybelline Age Rewind foundation in Tan 1 on my counter. Good god, I would have suggested to her maybe Light 5.

"Yeah, this is the right one." she said. I'm thinking, "Nonononono, go put that back!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I notice bad makeup, but I try not to comment.

I think my biggest gripe is when I see girls with bad makeup who are wearing a lot of it and have such an arrogant air about them. Well, I actually chuckle a little on the inside.