My boyfriend's going to stay in the shed...tell me if this is going to work


Well-known member
So, I'm in a long distance relationship and really want to see my bf this winter break. Problem is, my mom hates him so she won't let him come over..We are both 17 btw. We are really desperate to see each other.

Behind my house, there's a little shed. No one goes there. My family doesn't use it. It was really dirty at first but I cleaned it up now and I think he can sleep there with a sleeping bag. He'll be staying for around 2 weeks. I am also planning to spray bug spray in there to kill anything that might be living in there.

So I'm this going to work? Tell me any problems that we might have other than my mom finding out.

1. This will be during late december. What can I do to keep him a little warm?
2. Will the bug spray kill everything effectively? What may be in there that can be harmful?
3. Yes, I'm going to sneak food in there.
4. He'll just be sleeping in there and no need to worry about bathroom because we'll be going out everyday.
5. He can't stay at a hotel because he's a minor.
6. My mom will be having a baby around there btw. I think the baby will keep her pretty busy. lol

If I don't see him this winter, I'll have to wait at least another year before having a chance to see him. I know how stupid this sounds but we are really desperate..I can't ask my friends to have him stay because well..they don't know about him. lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by STolEn_KisS
So, I'm in a long distance relationship and really want to see my bf this winter break. Problem is, my mom hates him so she won't let him come over..We are both 17 btw. We are really desperate to see each other.

Behind my house, there's a little shed. No one goes there. My family doesn't use it. It was really dirty at first but I cleaned it up now and I think he can sleep there with a sleeping bag. He'll be staying for around 2 weeks. I am also planning to spray bug spray in there to kill anything that might be living in there.

So I'm this going to work? Tell me any problems that we might have other than my mom finding out.

1. This will be during late december. What can I do to keep him a little warm?
2. Will the bug spray kill everything effectively? What may be in there that can be harmful?
3. Yes, I'm going to sneak food in there.
4. He'll just be sleeping in there and no need to worry about bathroom because we'll be going out everyday.
5. He can't stay at a hotel because he's a minor.
6. My mom will be having a baby around there btw. I think the baby will keep her pretty busy. lol

If I don't see him this winter, I'll have to wait at least another year before having a chance to see him. I know how stupid this sounds but we are really desperate..I can't ask my friends to have him stay because well..they don't know about him. lol.

Just...all in all...a really really bad idea.
I have to admit, if my minor daughter had a male staying on my property and I found him, I would press charges on him and take away pretty much every privilege she's ever dreamt of having.

Bad. Bad. Idea.


Well-known member
I agree... Really bad idea...

Does his mom know where he is going? You said it's long distance... What is he telling her he's doing when he's gone for two weeks? I really don't see ANY parent allowing their 17 year old son to travel long distance to see a girl for two weeks.

Have you even met him before? How do you know he's who he says he is?


Well-known member
Do you know the reasons why your mother don't like him?

I don't think it would be honest of you to do that :confused:


Well-known member
It's a really bad idea , if your mother finds out , you are going to lose her trust for a long time , she may never trust you again and she will probaly hate him even more after this


Well-known member
Um I would have to say NO. I wouldn't risk it. If he's coming to visit why don't you have him get a motel room. It'll be more money but at least he won't get caught being in your shed! Some motels let you reserve a room if you're 18. Maybe you can talk your way through it.


Well-known member
I have a 17 year old daughter. I would absolutely choke her if she did something like that. I am sorry, I know I am old and I have a mother's point of view but nothing good can possibly come from this.


Well-known member
How about you explain to your mom how much you like this guy.ask if he can sleep in the livingroom or basement no where near you and if he does anything to cross the line that you'll tell him to leave. Maybe if you explain to your mom your feelings then she might hear you out. If she still won't accept him maybe there is reasoning behind it and you should respect that. Its just not right to go behind your mothers back like that. What if someone see's a strange man entering the shed and someone calls the cops.that would suck major. Besides that its the holidays just be thankful you have a home and a mom who cares. Sorry if I come across as a goody two shoes but I honestly don't think you should do it hun.let us know what you do.whatever it is I hope it turns out fine


Well-known member
I was the queen of stuff like this when I was your age. It never goes as planned and often ends up a complete disaster. =(

Like someone else asked, do you know this guy real well? Did you meet on the internet or did you (or him) live nearby and then moved? Why does your mom hate him so much?


Well-known member
I'm so sorry...I know you miss him, but it's a bad idea...I've done stunts like that, and it always goes the way, where would he have showered and everything?


Well-known member
i've thought about doing stuff like this, and even did some dumb stuff along these lines. I can honestly say, I can see where you're coming from because I'm close to your age and I remember seeming that desperate. But honestly...I wouldn't do it. I think that you should try to find another way, and if you cant find another way then know that it can't happen for a reason.

just think about what you typed and ask yourself why you thought it sounded stupid. you know in your heart and mind that its pretty ridiculous..just think really hard about it. and if you have a feeling it may not work or if u have to ask us...its pretty much a bad idea lol. If you guys love eachother that much, ask ur mom one more time. if she still says no, then wait until ur 18.

also, why does ur mom hate him? i would take this into consideration because if ur mom truly hates him than there might be a good reason for that.

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
I have to say that it's a pretty bad idea. Bad for you and him. Your mom will probably also be stressed because of the baby and to find him there would be awful. Besides that, it's probably not all that fun to be alone and sleep in a shed in the cold. Your mom will probably catch on that you're bringing food over there and would find it odd. I think eventually someone would find out. Your friends might find out too if your mom says something when they're over. Not much good could come from this. I'd suggest asking if he can stay in a motel or something and ask your mom to sign for it or something. I don't really know what else he could do unless you visited him but I doubt that would work either since your mom doesn't like him. Besides, you'll be worrying that you'll get caught and it might ruin the time you have with him and someone you know could see you guys and start asking questions and you'd have to tell them something.


Well-known member
I'm sorry hun but this idea is terrible. Someone could see him and think he's a burgalur (sp lol), and if his parents don't know where he is they could possibly press charges against your family for keeping him on your property. Even though your parents wouldn't know (assuming by some miracle that this plan worked and nobody noticed him), YOU knew and your parents might have to take responsibility for that, considering that you're both minors (I'm not positive about this one, don't flame me too much if I'm wrong >_>).
Anyway, I can only see this ending badly. And I kind of feel like you think so too.


Well-known member
Honestly, the whole idea sounds better suited for hiding a dog rather than a boyfriend. If this was something he agreed to, I can totally understand your mothers POV.