my first FOTD deep blue sea


Active member
This is my first FOTD and im nervous! lol this is a look i did a few days ago...sorry about all the mark. products but since i sell it i have it everywhere lol. let me know what you think!

lid, south beach e/s - mark.
crease, ocean drive e/s - mark.
inner corner, rebel e/s - mark.
highlight, biscottie e/s - mark.

foundation, Studio sculpt NC 30
blush, sun love glo - mark.

sorry i cant remember what the lipgloss was...




Active member
Originally Posted by Tsunami Rose
Are the Mark eyeshadows pigmented? I've been tempted before, but I haven't heard much about them.

They are pretty pigmented...nothing on MACs scale but they are decent. As long as you use a primer they work pretty well. They are great for beginners, especially since they are only $4.50 a piece!