My Journey towards health & Happiness!


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Originally Posted by Julie

This is a Treadmill workout I found on that I am going to be doing and I started today. Definitely felt the burn on this one

Warm up for five minutes at an incline of 2.0 and a speed of between 3.0 and 4.0 (a nice walking pace). For the next three minutes, increase the incline to 4.0. Lower the incline back to 2.0 for two minutes. Repeat these intervals (both high and low inclines) three to seven times, depending on whether you’re exercising for 30 or 45 minutes. Cool down for five minutes at the same settings as your warm-up.

So I did 41 minutes, 2.16 miles and burned 275 calories. My calorie intake for today was a little over 1800.

This was helpful, I think I'll give it a try! Thank you

I wish you the best of luck with this. Its great that you've decided to make such a positive change! Good luck, good luck, good luck! And congratulations on your success so far =]


Well-known member
Originally Posted by JULIA
This was helpful, I think I'll give it a try! Thank you

I wish you the best of luck with this. Its great that you've decided to make such a positive change! Good luck, good luck, good luck! And congratulations on your success so far =]

Thank You! I felt such a difference when I started following that one compared to when I just gradually raised the incline throughout the workout. Good luck to you also!


Well-known member
Okay since I only did 2 days of exercize last week and I want to be at 4 days a week already I am going to do 2 days of the Allure Treadmill workout since it is so intense and 2 days of my normal walking routine. I am going to try to only weigh myself on Sundays but I might sneek one in Friday just to make sure I haven't gained any weight.

Started incline at 2.0 and gradually raised it to 4.0 and I also ran for the last 5 minutes with the incline on 3.0 and a speed of 3.7
40 minutes,1.90 miles, 251 calories burned.


Well-known member
Okay so I haven't been exercizing much or eatting right. I guess I kinda fell off the wagon. I know I am an emotional eatter and I hate that I can't control it. I've been feeling depressed again and I don't know what brought it on but I am having the hardest time motivating myself to do anything. I don't want to weigh myself until maybe this Sunday because I'm afraid I gained my three pounds that I lost back.


Well-known member
Julie, I am sorry to hear that you fell of the wagon. Since you say your an emotional eater, may I suggest the book 8 Minutes in the Morning by Jorge Cruise. It is a GREAT book that covers the mental/emotional side as well as the eating and exercising side of getting healthy. It is a 28 day program and I am currently on day 24 and I think I have done really well.

From reading this thread I see you generally work out in the evening (before reading this book I used to work out after work) but in the book he tells you that working out in the morning boosts your metabolism by 15%! 15%! That's HUGE! I use to really struggle with working out after work because by that time I just wanted to go home and relax. Somedays I would tell myself, I will work out when I get home. But of course once I got home I would say, I will rest for an hour, and next thing I knew, I hadn't worked out for the day and I was ready to go to bed, LOL. With this program, as HARD as it is for me to get out of bed in the morning, I do it. And once I work out, I feel GREAT! Even better than that, once I work out in the morning, I am done for the day and by the end of the day, I almost forget I have already worked out! (Mentally, but not in my muscles, LOL). Just be sure to select the amount of weight that is right for you and listen to your body.

I already eat pretty good and was exercising pretty consistently before I picked up this book but I had reached a plateau and this REALLY helped motivate me to stay on top of things.

Like I said, I was working out pretty consistently before I got the book, and when I am done with the program, I am going to start working out in the morning (with Turbo Jam or the treadmill, which is what I was doing before) but I HIGHLY reccomend you read about this book on Amazon or Barnes and Noble. The reviews are great and he has been on Oprah as well. There are personal stories from people that have lost anywhere from 20 - 100+ pounds so I suggest you at least check it out.

HTH and good luck!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Makeupluvr
Julie, I am sorry to hear that you fell of the wagon. Since you say your an emotional eater, may I suggest the book 8 Minutes in the Morning by Jorge Cruise. It is a GREAT book that covers the mental/emotional side as well as the eating and exercising side of getting healthy. It is a 28 day program and I am currently on day 24 and I think I have done really well.

From reading this thread I see you generally work out in the evening (before reading this book I used to work out after work) but in the book he tells you that working out in the morning boosts your metabolism by 15%! 15%! That's HUGE! I use to really struggle with working out after work because by that time I just wanted to go home and relax. Somedays I would tell myself, I will work out when I get home. But of course once I got home I would say, I will rest for an hour, and next thing I knew, I hadn't worked out for the day and I was ready to go to bed, LOL. With this program, as HARD as it is for me to get out of bed in the morning, I do it. And once I work out, I feel GREAT! Even better than that, once I work out in the morning, I am done for the day and by the end of the day, I almost forget I have already worked out! (Mentally, but not in my muscles, LOL). Just be sure to select the amount of weight that is right for you and listen to your body.

I already eat pretty good and was exercising pretty consistently before I picked up this book but I had reached a plateau and this REALLY helped motivate me to stay on top of things.

Like I said, I was working out pretty consistently before I got the book, and when I am done with the program, I am going to start working out in the morning (with Turbo Jam or the treadmill, which is what I was doing before) but I HIGHLY reccomend you read about this book on Amazon or Barnes and Noble. The reviews are great and he has been on Oprah as well. There are personal stories from people that have lost anywhere from 20 - 100+ pounds so I suggest you at least check it out.

HTH and good luck!


Thank you so much! I will definitely be picking this book up. It sounds like just what I need.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Julie
Thank you so much! I will definitely be picking this book up. It sounds like just what I need.

Yeay! I am SO glad to hear that you are excited about it! Good luck and you will have to keep us posted! Keep in mind that it is HARD to change a lot of things at once, I am sure this book mentions it and if not, many other books say this as well. So change things gradually to ensure you stick to them and that you ENJOY your healthy new life style. I REALLY think you are going to love this book! For me, it was easy to slip into working out everyday (well 6 days a week) but more difficult to eat better.

HTH too and good luck!



Well-known member
I haven't started dieting like I was but I did my a bike and have been biking for at least 30 minutes for the past few days and I haven't been eatting as much. I did get on the scale though and I gained my 2 pounds back so I am at 218 now. Sometimes I feel like I am never going to get this weight off because I can't keep motivated. I am hoping to get to the store soon and pick up the book Makeupluvr suggested so that I can get back on track.


Well-known member
Good for you Julie! I know it is hard and sometimes you don't feel like you are making progress but just remember that even though you might not see any results right now, your body is working hard! Have you ever noticed that you will be working out and not see any results and then WHOOSH! All at once you see improvement? Keep that in mind, and don't give up! Every little step is progress and the more you can stick to it, the more proud of yourself you will be! Just keep riding that bike and gradually increase your time and/or intensity and gradually eat better and before you know it you will be changing your whole life style to become a healthier better you!

SO good luck and keep up the good work! You have people here supporting you!

Keep us posted!


Well-known member
I actually had a decent day today. I had almost 2500 calories which isn't good but I haven't eatten anything past 7:00pm so far and I don't plan on it.

1/2 bottle water, 2 hot dogs and 1 bun with ketchup
4 beef sticks, chicken breast and 3 cups rice. 1 bottle of water
Everything was grilled but I overdid it on the rice.
Gourmet crunch 7-14 pieces and 1 bottle water
I know this was really bad.

Biking 60 minutes


Well-known member
I was good again today. I wish I could of biked longer but I am pretty sore since I have been going everday since Monday.

Nutrigrain bar & 1/2 bottle water
Gourmet Crunch 7 pieces & 1/2 bottle water
Boston Market white meat chicken with sides of mashed potatos, gravy, green bean casserole and a little stuffing and 1/2 can soda
BM Chicken (white) no skin with mashed potatos, a little gravy, and a spoon of stuffing with a piece of cornbread and 1 bottle water
1 bottle water
1 bottle water

5 minute bike ride
4:30 35 minute bike ride


dear julie,

i'm big believer in if you're physically fit, you're also mentally fit. i'm so happy for you that you've been trying to gear yourself toward health and happiness. the main thing about changing yourself is about changing for the better and striving to be the healthiest you possible.

something to consider:
-join classes called aquafit at your local pool. most of what you do in aquafit is high energy and as an added bonus, water is resistant, so you can get more of a workout.
-most of the food you eat is highly processed carbs and premade food. i know there's so little time in the week, as i'm a university student. so what i do spend one night a week, and prepare all my meals for the weak then freeze them. this way i know exactly what is going into my food and how much i should eat of it. over the last while, i've been really into substituting ingredients into my meals. e.g. half brown-half white rice for white rice, mashed potatoes using sourcream or chickenbroth instead of butter, low in sodium toasted almonds for chips.

i'm on the healthy plan :] too
remember everything in moderation