My sadest fathers day.


Well-known member
Today I had to the emergency room for chest pain it turn out to be stress and anxiety attack.Then I get home and My boyfriend who I have a daugther with is acting so mean with me complaning that this is the worst fathers day because he had to go pick me up from the hospital since they gave some kind of drug and could not drive plus at the moment Im not working so I didnt have money to buy him anything he was throwing it in my face.Then I started to cry because I know that makes me more stress out.I started thinking about my dad he lives in colorado and harley see him so Iwas crying my boyfriend started telling me that I shouldnt cry that Im acting like a little girl I still miss my make it worst I didnt spend mothers with m mom either because she dont want to know nothing about us.I feel that my boyfriend is not caring or loving anymore I think that was really evil of him.


Well-known member
That was so evil of him!
I was sick this morning with a headache and cramps and i even puked, but my boyfriend would NEVER say I ruined his first fathers day.

I am so sorry he tried to put a guilt trip on you. He is acting more than just evil.. he is acting greedy. Fathers day isn't about presents, it's about love from your family and just knowing that you appreciate him should be enough. That's completely unfair of him to treat you that way. He doesn't deserve even your respect at the moment.

Have you called your father? Maybe talking to him will make light of the situation. Or maybe get away from your boyfriend and take a relaxing bath. I hope you feel better.
feel free to PM message me if you want to talk!


Well-known member
Sorry girl. The day is almost over at least. I hope you have a great week and feel better

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
That's such a bitchy thing for your boyfriend to do... As for your father, you could call him, even tomorrow, to see how he is or send a card.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by triccc
That was so evil of him!
I was sick this morning with a headache and cramps and i even puked, but my boyfriend would NEVER say I ruined his first fathers day.

I am so sorry he tried to put a guilt trip on you. He is acting more than just evil.. he is acting greedy. Fathers day isn't about presents, it's about love from your family and just knowing that you appreciate him should be enough. That's completely unfair of him to treat you that way. He doesn't deserve even your respect at the moment.

Have you called your father? Maybe talking to him will make light of the situation. Or maybe get away from your boyfriend and take a relaxing bath. I hope you feel better.
feel free to PM message me if you want to talk!


Ms. Z

Well-known member
I'm sorry you had such a bad day.

I'm not going to lie, this post makse me upset. Your bf is an insensitive jerk. No one should have to put up with/settle for such behavior.