My Shopping Adventure (Warning long)


Well-known member
I hope none of you mind, but there is a story that goes along with yesterdays haul:
I had been looking forward to going to the city (an hour or so away) to check out the new Mac Icon collection. I had a doctor's appointment, so this kinda made the trip something to look forward to. I have two children and my husband wa transfered 8 hours away, and we are not going up until the end of the school year. Plus in october I had a tumor removed from my stomache (after being sick for over a year) and this appointment was to see how things were going. So needless to say I don't get out a whole lot.
My first purchase was from Mac. I decided on the Yogamode beauty powder, the adventureous lipglass and the 223 brush. The MA's had a ball giving my 4 year old daughter a make over.
I also purchased Cake Beauty cake kiss in Pink Berry and telescopic mascara at the Bay as well. So then it was over to Zellers to get my daughter some princess makeup. Next was to a hair salon to pick up Kenra Platnium silkening gloss. I have never tried but my long thick hair is not reacting to this cold Canadian weather. I wanted to try Frederic Fekkai products but they are not sold around here. After this purchase I decided to put the gloss with my mac stuff to cut down n the number of bags to carry. We were in Shopper's when my daughter noticed my bag was leaking. I reached my hand in and was covered in close. The lid on the product came apart and the whole product leaked out all over my mac purchase. I quickly paid for my purchases at Shopper's, or so I thought. It turns out there was about 3 items she never scanned (I did return later) I went to the Salon where at first I was helped from this very nice lady who got me a towel and tried cleaning up my mac products. When this other women came up and gave me this huge lecture on how the bottle is glass, and I need to be careful.....and on and on. So thankfuly the lady that helped me stood up for me and I got to exchange it. The bottle was not damaged, just a faulty lid. So at this point I am almost in tears, my daughter is cranky.
Last stop on our list was a smaller mall that carried Aveda products. I had heard so many good reviews on the Aveda gloss I wanted to check it out. Before I got there, this group of girls bumped into me causing me to drop my purse and my Chromeglass broke around the lid and leaked along with a Mac eyeshadow that shattered over everything in my bag. Oh and a mirrior that cracked. Did they stop to help, of course not.
So by this time I am literally wishing I stayed home when I enter the salon. I am looking at the Aveda gloss, my jaw dropping because it was $40. Standing there thinking how a gloss can be so much
when a hairdresser comes over and literally whisks me in to the salon, talking about how I am in a bit early but he had finished up. I am trying to ask what he is talking about, but he is not giving me a chance. I am sitting in the chair thinking I must be on one of those shows where they play a joke on you and there is a hidden camera. This guy is literally not paying attention to me, he is jsut talking and talking as he is putting the cape on me. I did happen to catch that he was excited that we were finally cutting my hair short:confused: . At this point I did manage to stand up and tell him he must be mistaken and I did not have an apointment. A co worker was near by and started laughing, saying I looked just like this guy's client, except I am shorter. So the guy who had me in his chair started laughing saying he was so close to cutting my hair. People around us started laughing. It was a funny situation but only because I still have my long hair. The hair dresser appologized and ended up giving me a discount my the mix up on the gloss. I left there thinking that the guy really should have his own tv show
This concludes my story (vent) about my haul that became more of an adventure than I had ever expected

Thanks for letting me vent


Well-known member
oh my god, that's hilarious about the hair salon!! I really wouldn't be surprised if there had been a camera and you were on some funny tv show haha!


Well-known member
Awww, I really feel for you, what a topsy turvy day. I hope you get lots of hugs over the next few days to make up for it!