my skin is up to it's old tricks


Well-known member
i get cystic acne sometimes, and then just regular acne, too. i used retin-a about six months ago, and it worked awesomely. my skin was fabulous until i tried this new toner that broke me out really i went on retin-a once again. it cleared my skin up and i finished the treatment about a week ago...but now, my skin looks awful again. it's weird, because last time my skin stayed clear for a few months.

anyway, i'm totally pissed now because i hate having bad skin because it makes me really self-concious. my skin is back to being an oilslick, my pores are huge again and my tone is all uneven, and there's little red spots all over my face. not cute at all. i was going to see about trying accutane, but then i read it can make you suicidal, so i'd rather not go there.

i'm going to get to a dermatologist as soon as possible, but i like going in with a little knowledge of what my options are. anybody had any experience with other prescription acne meds?


Well-known member
Sorry to hear this, I know how bad it is to suffer from acne, then use something that gives you clear skin just to end up with acne again in the end.

With prescription meds I have only tried Differin (love it, it´s gentle and it works) and my birth control pill (called Diane mite over here, it´s THE best pill for acne. Tons of my friends have been on it and everybody got clear skin after a few weeks). I´m sure there are similar pills like that in the US. So maybe that´s an option for you.

And yes it´s true that with Accutane there is a certain risk for getting depression, so if you´re prone to that I wouldn´t take it either. But if not give it a try?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Austrian_Babe
Sorry to hear this, I know how bad it is to suffer from acne, then use something that gives you clear skin just to end up with acne again in the end.

With prescription meds I have only tried Differin (love it, it´s gentle and it works) and my birth control pill (called Diane mite over here, it´s THE best pill for acne. Tons of my friends have been on it and everybody got clear skin after a few weeks). I´m sure there are similar pills like that in the US. So maybe that´s an option for you.

And yes it´s true that with Accutane there is a certain risk for getting depression, so if you´re prone to that I wouldn´t take it either. But if not give it a try?

thanks! i think we do have a pill like that in the states, but it's called diane35 or something. i'll definately ask about that, because less terrible periods would be a nice benefit.
my mom's side of the family has a history of depression, i myself have never experienced it, but i don't know if taking accutane would trigger something like that so i'm a little sketchy on it.


Well-known member
Think I'm on the same pill, except it's called Dianette here in the UK. I'm not saying it has worked miracles, but my skin is SO much better since going on it. It also really helps ith the oilies. I used to have foundation dripping off my face at the end of the day and now I hardly even need to blot at lunchtime.

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
I went on differin a few years ago when I got really stressed over school. It worked after a few weeks and after the tube was gone I haven't needed to use it at all.

You could always ask your doctor about accutane but they usually want to try everything else first before that. It's a risk but a lot of people don't feel like that and they always start off with a low dose so there's less chance so if you are really serious about it, I'd at least ask.


Well-known member
Have you tried differin? That's what I currently use. I used to have awful acne and I used that religiously and it works like a charm. I get the occasional zit but if you put it on right when you feel it, it won't even surface(sorry that's so gross but hey, it's a good thing


Well-known member
Tried Differin, Benzaclin, different washes and antibiotics, tazorac, and the only thing that works all right is Retin-A.
I'm seriously sick of my acne, I've tried everything except for Accutane so I'm looking into trying that out next summer. Maybe some miracle will happen before then.
Good luck with your skin, I think you're beautiful and you don't deserve to have to worry about things of that sort.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmy
thanks! i think we do have a pill like that in the states, but it's called diane35 or something. i'll definately ask about that, because less terrible periods would be a nice benefit.
my mom's side of the family has a history of depression, i myself have never experienced it, but i don't know if taking accutane would trigger something like that so i'm a little sketchy on it.

Yeah I´m sure it´s Diane 35, I´ve heard that before.


Well-known member
Im on Yasmin and I use a topical acne gel called Clinxodyl that your dr can perscribe for you.

I had terrible acne for years and this is the first thing thats helped.
good luck!


Well-known member
i'm really glad to hear people love differin. i've tried everything from pills, clin... something, minocycline, and a bunch of other creams, washes, topical ointments, and just about everything over the counter including proactive. the over the counter stuff never worked because most of it contains benzoyl peroxide which I have a reaction to every single time (huge hives on my face, oily like crazy, and i get red as a tomato with swollen cheeks and eyelids. not pretty).

anyway I went to the derm today PRAYING she would put me on birth control because i've heard its amazing with acne and i know my mom wouldn't let me get it if I suggested it myself, but my derm said i don't have hormonal acne since my periods are regular. soo she prescribed some new stuff (pills, something for morning, and differin). and i'm praying differin works for me. i'm sick of acne man.

and about accutane, i've heard horrible side effects. yes there's the possible suicide thing but my dentist's daughter was on it and she was peeling like crazy from her back to her face...even her lips!! so unless you have horrible acne, i wouldn't try it. i have mild/severe acne and i won't even go near accutane.