My WaterLine


Active member
I believe that's what it's called

I love this effect on people, makes the look so much more complete. I'm having some issues with getting this look on me. I use a MAC Kohl (I believe it's called) and I've tried countless times to apply it. It doesn't really stick, hard to explain. It's not dark like on my skin and is gone after I blink a few times. Is there something else that works better? MAC or whatever
I hear Fluidline is amazing for this... but I'd like to make sure that it will work for me... as I have such difficulty. Does anyone else have this problem? The look it gives is fantastic so I feel as though I'm missing out!


Well-known member
eyeliner on my waterline never used to stick either, my waterline kinda touches my eye so it would never work.

what i do is pull my lid out from my eye a bit and pat it dry a bit with a q-tip or paper towel, and then i use MAC's engraved powerpoint pencil on it. after that i use the 266 brush and pat some black e/s (i use carbon) on top of it. stays for ages!!


Well-known member
You might want to be careful what you try to apply on your waterline, as some metallic things aren't suitable for that area and might cause irritation? I think the matte fluidlines might be ok for the waterline, but you may want to check that in the Product Safety forum.


Well-known member
i use fluidline in blacktrack. it stays on well, but does need reapplying after a few hrs (on me anyway!) so i always keep a kohl pencil in black (i just use i boujois one) in my bag for touch ups. hope that helps!


Well-known member
I am exactly the same as you. I've found Stila Kajal in Onyx applies like a dream but doesn't last very long. Sephora Eye Kohl is the same. MAC eyeliners have never shown up. Fluidlines are the exception, but they take longer to apply. Fluidlines, if you "pat" them on instead of swiping them, will show up really well and they last for the longest time, though the outer corners are gone in an hour or so. I've heard Delux Beauty Nilla Black and MakeupForever Eye Kohl are really good for the waterline and I'm looking to get both and see.