nars swatches/product questions


Well-known member
Dopesickgirl has got me wanting alot of things that i'd have never wanted before like Pollen pigment and Biotherm products and Nars stuff such as Lovejoy blusher and Pillowtalk gloss!! Aaargh i can't afford all this stuff!
So is there ant websites with swatches/photos of Nars products like there are for Mac?

Also what do people think of Nars products in general? Are the blushers and glosses better quality than Mac and are there better colour choices? I'm NC43 yellow undertones so prefer more glowy warm and just slightly darker colours rather than cold pink coloured glosses and blushers.
Also is Nars more expensive?


Well-known member
Nars have their own website the colour swatches are pretty accurate

The Nars products I like best are their blushers, and multiples. Personally I think MAC eyeshadows are far superior.

You can also view Nars products on the US sephora site, but swatch wise the Nars site is better.

Nars is more expensive than MAC especially in the UK, but then I find it hard to believe how reasonable MAC prices are for the quality that you get.


Well-known member
I find that the actual Nars site has great swatches (the ones you get when you roll over the color name), MUA also has a ton of Nars blush photos (look up SadieMC, I think she has every Nars blush made, and she makes pretty true-to-life photos). I dont think there is a Nars community like this, although I really wish there was.

I prefer my Nars blushes 100X better than my MAC one(!) They are much more pigmented so you dont really need to load up your brush with a ton of powder, and blend beautifly, I dont get the streakyness I do with macs.

They have lots of great blush colors that would probably look awesome on your skin tone that NW20 like me would die to be able to wear, like, hmm, crazed, torrid, lovejoy... and would probably give you that nice warm glowy look you want -- They do for me.

As for the glosses, I love the colors, and like that they dont really have big chunky glitter in them like macs... the texture is ok, but the artificial smell im not a huge fan of, (nor the like, $30 CAD price tag) and thus, do not own any. Hope this helps a bit, and go out and get some Nars right now!

and oh yes, nars is more expensive.... I think the blush is $25 american, and $29 Canadian.


Well-known member
I like 'em

I am in love with their blushes and eyeshadows...although I think MAC e/s have better blendablity to me, NARS shadows last forever! I even went swimming in them, and the colour lasted when I got out! It wasnt the same as it was when I dove in, but any colour that lasts through a good swim is okay in my book! I love Torrid and Orgasm blushes, though I do wish that they didnt have so much glitter in them. To me, shimmer>glitter! Bottom line, to me, the blushes rule overall, but are a bit expensive so I get mine of eBay. The shadows last and last, but I prefer MAC.


Well-known member
Im going to close this thread because it is basically a continuation of this you might want to read that, I find it to be very helpful

my two cents - I love nars multiples, and their e/s duos...but they are much more expensive ($36 for a multiple) and 22 for a lg...


Well-known member
nars swatches?

does anyone know where to find swatches of nars products? or does anyone have any swatches they could post/send?

i know they have the colours on the site, but i want to see what they look like when they're actually on someone.

i'm especially interested in their blushes and lipglosses. the closest nars dealer is in costa mesa, and that's like 35 miles away so i don't feel like going there just to look haha.


New member
I can do swatches for you of the items I have.

I just uploaded pics of the a few of their blushes. Check my Gallery.

I don't have many of their e/s or l/g but I will swatch what I can for you.

I am not sure if I can do it for you today but I will get it done this weekend.


New member
I just realized that I told you to check my Gallery and I actually have the Nars blush in the swatch gallery. Just click on Gallery, go to the swatch Gallery and scroll down.

I am working on the swatches for you.


Well-known member
Ummm....I have Nars Babe lipgloss, Taj Majal blush and Zardoz cream shadow if you'd like to see them. Just let me know.


Well-known member
ahh vanessa, you're amazing!!

aziajs, i'd love to
especially zardoz...i've heard ALOT about that


Well-known member
Ok. I will try to get them up today. I tried taking some pics yesterday but the colors weren't showing up correctly.


Well-known member
Zardoz & Babe so have my names on them!

I recently got Flare Up lip lacquer in a swap - WOW! Hot, hot tomato-red. If I had access to a digital camera other than my mobile phone one, I'd post some blushes & eyeshadows. And lip lacquers.


Well-known member
Actually the NARS website is great with their swatches. They're pretty true to color. I've never been let down yet



Well-known member
I dunno.. people think that Nars is more expensive..but there are 2 eyeshadows in the duos. So it doesn't really make that much of a difference. IMO Nars colours are more unique and have better pigmentation, andyou don't need like 6 products to achieve what nars can give you in their eyeshadow duos.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Caffy
I dunno.. people think that Nars is more expensive..but there are 2 eyeshadows in the duos. So it doesn't really make that much of a difference. IMO Nars colours are more unique and have better pigmentation, andyou don't need like 6 products to achieve what nars can give you in their eyeshadow duos.

NARS e/s aren't worth their price IMO, not even the duos. I mean yeah you get 2 shades, but you only get halves for 31 bucks. I can get two full sized mac shadows for 27 dollars, 20 if i buy pan refills. but they do have some pretty colors, I like Bohemian Gold duo, Misfit duo, Mediteranee Duo, Orgasm Gloss and I've been eye-ing Taj Mahal blush and Cactus Flower creme blush, but I can't wear cremeblush, i have oily skin