need a little help


hey everyone...i just got back from mac and bought some new eyeshadows. im still a little confused on how to use them. usually they say one color on the lid, one in crease, and one as a highlight. but she was saying more complicated stuff. the colors i got are:

sushi flower

she said to put the sushi flower on the inner half of my lid. then she said to put juxt on the inner part of the crease and to put humid on the outter part flowing into the juxt. does this make sense? and can anyone explain it a little better? than for any help!!!!


Well-known member
I actually use those colours in the opposite order.
Humid in the inner corner of my eye and juxt blended over the top a little. And then sushi flower over my lid.

It looks great.

Or you could use sushi flower all over the lid and humid or juxt as a liner.

There are no real hard and fast rules as far as makeup application goes. Just experiment and see what you come up with.


Well-known member
I'm thinking she's got, basically, pink as the lid colour and green as the crease, but with Juxt and Humid to create a light-to-dark effect in the crease, going from inner (light) to outer (dark). That may open the eyes a bit instead of using, say, Humid all throughout the crease (??).

Once you get this, try out lior's suggestions - I'm sure you're creative juices will flow well! ;D

So there's no mention of highlight, but I'm sure something like Vanilla pigment would be fine. HTH some!


Well-known member
Jane, take a look at some of the great tutorials and FOTDs here. A lot of these ladies have done some really beautiful eye looks with step by step instructions. I'm sure you'll do fine.