Need a new storage system! HELP!


Active member
Ok so its the new year & I need to sort this out! Right now my makeup is all stacked up in large boxes!

It's terrible! I can't get anything! Not only that but theyre taking over my room! Could anyone help with ideas of storing them all away SAFELY

It would be great if you could add images too? So i could get ideas?
Ive tried so many boxes! But theyre all terrible and i can never ever find anything!
Please no traincases as all my makeup barely goes anywhere haha
Also it would be great if people could name places in the UK where i could get some nice storage bits! Im in London UK so anywhere near there hehe!! Oh and not too pricey pwease~

Thank you everyone!!


Well-known member
I would look at pictures of other people's storage solutions that are already posted. It is hard to post specifically what you are going to need because it will vary on the amount you need to store and how much space you have to store it in. There are lots of videos and pictures available in this forum for you to draw inspiration from.


Well-known member
I don't have a lot of room, my room is an ok size, but awkwardly shaped, so a vanity or dressing table it out the question.

For a table, I use a folding tea table - I picked mine up in Dunelm Mill for a fiver! It's unvarnished, but it does the job. I can use it against my bed if I am lazy, but I tend to keep it in front of the window as I get better light, I hae a really cheap stool to go with it. It's not too long, about 3/4 of a metre maybe?

I also have a grey plastic five draw thing - it's quite tall and narrow, which is great. It cost about ten pound. I could do with another, as I don't like to stack, but I don't have room. The draws are deep - I fit two plastic trays in each , and could easily build it up to three rows. The trays are £1.50 in Dunelm, Morrisons or Tescos. They are different colours depending where you go.

I also bought two plain black pencil cups from Tesco 97p each! One for face brushes and one for eye.

I also recently acquired a rubbermaid desktop draw too - it only cos £2.99 and has one really deep drawer (I use it for face stuff, foundations, primer, powders etc.) a smaller one, which I use for concealers, a flip up drawer on op and three open slots which I like for tweezers, lash glue etc.

Hope that helps!