Neutral Lipglass/Lipstick Recs


Well-known member
Hey guys,

I didn't really wear much lipstick/gloss until i discovered MAC's Lipglass' they are fantastic and last for ages so I want to get a few more! I'm looking for a neutral 'lip-coloured' shade and i'd also like a lipstick in a similar shade. I already have 'Poetic License' which is great but i'd like something a touch less peachy and maybe a little darker, preferably without any shimmer
Hope that isn't too tall an order! Thanks in advance guys!


Well-known member
Viva Glam V for sure. Also, for lipsticks, Flutterby and Half & Half are both fairly nude/ fleshtoned.


Well-known member
Second everyone who recommended Viva Glam V lipglass and lipstick. You might also want to take a look at Hug Me lipstick which is a rosy brown like YLBB.


Well-known member
Hug Me l/s absolutely.

A few more recs but they are LE, I only mention them just in case they are still readily available in your area:

Flash of Flesh l/g
Entwined l/s
Pink Clash l/g (might be stretching it a little!)

I'm only just discovering neutral lip colours myself, and these ones have worked a real treat on me. The other lipglasses in NE seemed to be fairly neutralish also.


Well-known member
Thanks so much for all the recommendations girls, that really helped me out, there are too many too chose from on the website so you helped me narrow it down a little!
I'll definitely check out the Viva Glam V, Hug Me and High Tea on my next shopping trip and i'll have to keep a little eye out for those LE's. I can feel my credit card trembling in fear already!


Well-known member
As far as nude lipsticks go, I love, love, love Viva Glam II-It looks really hot with Entice Lipglass too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by misswilliam
"lust" is a great warm nude shade, and "damzel" is a pretty rose pearl. "entice" is a darker nude shade

lust lipglass. lust lipstick is a lavendar shade. blame MAC for having two lip products with the same name.