(New Hairstyle) FOTN + more....


Well-known member
So I took my cornrows out, did a nice shampoo/deep condition and my friend Cherelle randomly volunteered to style my hair
Too bad I wasn't goin anywhere cuz I was lookin H O T!!!! LOL...don't you hate when you get all decked out with nowhere to go??? Made me wanna call *someone* to come visit me just to see how good I looked
Hee hee!

Tilt (inner lid) w/ Aquadisiac on top
Deep Truth (just barely applied to inner corner)
Shimmermoss (outer lid)
Gold Dusk pigment (crease to browbone)
Gorgeous Gold (highlight)
Chrome Yellow (lower lashline)
Blacktrack f/l
Covergirl Fantasic Lash mascara
Maybelline Expert Eyes pencil in black on brows
mark. Glow Baby Glow l/g in Sizzle

I dunno why the colors came out so dark this time? Ghetto-ass camera...*sigh* I hope I can get a new one SOON!

And here's a compare/contrast EOTD I did a week or so ago cuz I was SUPER bored! Which one do you guys like better?

Left eye:

I used:
Shimmermoss (up to crease) w/ Chrome Yellow over the inner V
Belle Azure (above crease and on lower lashline)
Bright Fuchsia pigment (wet and used on upper lashline)
Deep Truth (outer third of the above-crease)
Smolder on waterline
CG Fantastic Lash mascara
mark. Dream Gleam lash topcoat

Right eye:

Basically I sorta "reversed" the colors on this one:
Belle Azure (inner 3rd of lid, up to crease) w/CY over the inner V
Shimmermoss (above crease and on lower lashline)
Deep Truth (outer 3rd of lid)
Tan pigment (wet and used on waterline)
mark. eye-marker e/l on Dark Denim (upper lashline)
Ardell falsies in "Sophisticated"

For both looks I used:
Lips= Lovechild and Ola Mango l/g with a little Violet Pro gloss on top
Cheeks= mark. Good Glowing in Love glo
Browbone highlight= Hush (My brows look rough so ignore those!!!)

and Voila!!

Yayyyy Spongebob! I'm READY!!!!!

I know ya'll love that one don'tcha--what with the harsh colors and all.....


Well-known member
You look gorgeous...love your smile!
I also hate that...all dressed up and nowhere to go...feels like a waste doesn't it? Not if you have a camera though!!!!
I love Aquadisiac on ya btw.


Well-known member
i like the top one best, because the eye colors make your whole face seem all glowy and luminescent
but all of them are lovely!