New MAC Freelancer!


Active member
Hi All!! I FIIIIIINNNAAAALLLLY got my call back yesterday that I was indeed accepted! After a (seemingly) okish interview and demo, and a week and 2 day wait, I got my YES! I'm beyond thrilled and can't wait to get started on my MAC Journey.
I know that Freelancers don't get the training or anything that the permanent employees get but, I'd love to get any tips,tricks, words of widsom, what to do, what not to do, things of that nature so when I show up on my first day, I'm not standing there all unhelpful and and dumbfounded. I'm going crazy studying up and memorizing all the products and getting that down but I know it's much more than that!

If you're a permanent artist, what do you wish the freelancers at your store/counter knew and did?

Seriously anything and everything helps!
I just want to be better than what I'm imagining I will be hahahaha

Help a girl out!




Active member
A lot of the store/counters (atleast in my region) ONLY hire freelancers then you work your way up, they see it as a way to kind of weed out the undedicated and really test how you would be as a permanent employee. However, you can be hired permanent straight away, it really just depends on the needs of the store/counter, I actually asked to be Freelance since I have my own Freelance Hair and Makeup business. But it really just depends. It could be completely different elsewhere, this is just what my manager told me :)