New to MAC....Im nervous...

So Im really just writing this as sort of a journal entry.

Today I went shopping for all BLACK clothes for my new job at MAC. I start first with basic training next monday. Im both excited and nervous. I know that I shouldnt be nervous, it's just that Ive built it up so much in my mind that its become so huge to me. I have finally got the job that I have wanted for nearly two years, its something I wanted so bad that I cried when I got it. I have been working in retail for over 7 years, been doing make-up for 2 years, and have a degree from a top Fashion School. I smoked the interview process. I am more than qualified. Yet why must I be so NERVOUS. I walked by the MAC store today, peered inside. I thought to myself, I cant believe I am going to be one of them. They have always seemed so cool. So pretty. So hip. I have always wanted to be that. I try to narrow down what it is that im so nervous about. Is it whether I can do the job? Am I cool enough, will I fit in? Will I even like it? I suppose Im afraid that I will get in there and this dream that I have created surrounding MAC will be crushed, that I will realize it is just retail. It has been my goal off in the distance for years. And here I am, Ive gotten it. Now I find myself doubting, full of the what ifs. I hate this feeling. Im not used to change, Im not used to trying to impress anybody. Im just me. I know deep down that everything will be fine. But,

Somebody please tell me to stop worrying. Please tell me that I will love it. Please help me from being a nervous wreck!


Well-known member
They obviously saw the same qualities in you since they asked you to join their MAC team. The change might be uncomfortable at first but soon you will fit right in if you are just yourself. I wish you lots of luck! I hope that it is everything that you have dreamed of and more. I bet when you update us in a month you will feel better! Good luck and congratulations on getting a job at MAC. There are many girls who would love to be in your shoes!
Keep us posted!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by anniemalibu7
So Im really just writing this as sort of a journal entry.

Today I went shopping for all BLACK clothes for my new job at MAC. I start first with basic training next monday. Im both excited and nervous. I know that I shouldnt be nervous, it's just that Ive built it up so much in my mind that its become so huge to me. I have finally got the job that I have wanted for nearly two years, its something I wanted so bad that I cried when I got it. I have been working in retail for over 7 years, been doing make-up for 2 years, and have a degree from a top Fashion School. I smoked the interview process. I am more than qualified. Yet why must I be so NERVOUS. I walked by the MAC store today, peered inside. I thought to myself, I cant believe I am going to be one of them. They have always seemed so cool. So pretty. So hip. I have always wanted to be that. I try to narrow down what it is that im so nervous about. Is it whether I can do the job? Am I cool enough, will I fit in? Will I even like it? I suppose Im afraid that I will get in there and this dream that I have created surrounding MAC will be crushed, that I will realize it is just retail. It has been my goal off in the distance for years. And here I am, Ive gotten it. Now I find myself doubting, full of the what ifs. I hate this feeling. Im not used to change, Im not used to trying to impress anybody. Im just me. I know deep down that everything will be fine. But,

Somebody please tell me to stop worrying. Please tell me that I will love it. Please help me from being a nervous wreck!

Aww hun you will totally love it, trust me! I have been with MAC for almost a year now and I am still loving it just as much as I did when I started... It is a fun job and you ARE one of the people you have always wished to be, otherwise they wouldn't have hired you!


Well-known member
Awww, hun!!!!

I had those same feelings. I was so worried was I too old to be doing this but then I was like, 'hey this is what I love to do, why not.' Those feelings are natural and will ease up. Like MACGoddess said, you will still be excited about it always. It will be 2 months for me and I get so freakin giddy when I pass by a MAC counter.
Oh I know I will. I am just a worry wart. I wasnt too nervous about whether I would like the job, but more nervous about doing a good job and that I would be "cool" enough. Im silly. Thanks to all who have sent your words of encouragement. You're the best! Ill keep you posted on how it goes my first week. Im excited.


Well-known member
These ladies are right!
I'm only fifteen yet It's already my dream job to work for MAC.
They've hired you for a reason, meaning you'll do a FANTASTIC job!
We're all here for you!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by anniemalibu7
Oh I know I will. I am just a worry wart. I wasnt too nervous about whether I would like the job, but more nervous about doing a good job and that I would be "cool" enough. Im silly. Thanks to all who have sent your words of encouragement. You're the best! Ill keep you posted on how it goes my first week. Im excited.

It's natural to feel like. I feel out of place at times.


Well-known member
Sweetie you will be amazing...I have worked retail before MAC, and I have been with MAC now for 2 years; and I can honestly tell you that I still look forward to going to work!! My advice...say out of the drama that plagues workplaces, give 150% always, and you WILL get noticed.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blueyesdancing
Sweetie you will be amazing...I have worked retail before MAC, and I have been with MAC now for 2 years; and I can honestly tell you that I still look forward to going to work!! My advice...say out of the drama that plagues workplaces, give 150% always, and you WILL get noticed.
