Nooooooo I just broke my beloved Humid e/s!!!!! Someone HELP!


Well-known member
OMG I could cry right now
So my dumbass was trying to clean all the sticky stuff from the edges of the pan (I depotted this a while back) and my little butterfingers just let the thing slip out and BAM---it fell right onto my computer desk....I am soooo mad! I dunno if anyone else is a little anal about their palettes, but this makes it look all ugly now

There's 14 nice, fresh lookin e/s and then
this one---I'm gonna swap this beyotch b/c now it's ugly!
LOL, well the chunk that came out is still IN the pan, just not attached anymore


Well-known member
aww poor baby. why dont you do the alchohol thing and reshape it?i did this to one of mine... ( oh and in the process of it drying dropped it again!!!!!!!!!!~> i almost cried!) but in the end its all good. p.s. it was liesuretime e/s. If that doesnt help i hope someone else does


Well-known member
I tried the alcohol thing with my Amber Lights and it worked for about two weeks and then started to crumble. I just crushed that sucker and put it in a sample jar. I love having it like that. It's like a pigment now. I have done that to 3 or 4 shadows.


Well-known member
Sorry to hear about your shadow Most if my palette shades have some form of crack or chip in them do to my clumsy hands dropping them
I'm going to try the alcohol thingy. Hope you get a new one soon