Nose Piercing and MMU


Well-known member
Have any of you had your nose pierced since you started using MMU? If so, how do you deal with not getting make-up in the piercing area? I'm probably going to go get my nose pierced today, and I'd love as many tips as I can get about make-up during the healing process!!!


Well-known member
I got mine done about 18 months ago. When I first got it done, I would do my foundation, and then as soon as I was done applying, I sprayed a Q-tip with bactine spray and went around the area. Also, when washing my makeup off, spent a little more time carefully washing around and near the piercing. It is pretty easy because I have an L-shaped stud which I can push out a bit from the inside so that the stud is raised up away from the hole and thus, easier to clean. I didn't have any problems with infection, etc. as long as I kept it clean with the bactine spray. If you have any other questions, please, let me know!
Good luck!


Well-known member
Yep,.. I apply mu MU as I would any other time,.. then go back with a Q-tip with disinfectant/cleaner and then clean off the post carefully. I've had mine for a long while now and never had any problems.


Active member
I would suggest keeping make up away from it for a while. It's not that make up shouldn't touch the area, I actually don't know anything about that. But I know from personal experience that when healing, the area gets aggravated very easily. See the thing is, the area is prone to getting "the bump", aka keloids, so the only time you touch the piercing should be when you're cleaning it morning and night. It might seemed healed to you right away, at least it did to me, but I think the healing time is around two months?

I got 'the bump' TWICE in that first 2-3 months. The first time it happened because it felt healed so I touched it a LOT. I did warm salt water soaks for weeeeks to get rid of it but I had to go on vacation for a week and I forgot to bring the salt. It was gone by the time I came back home! I realized leaving it alone is the way to go so I stopped my usual routine and just used antibacterial soap twice a day. The second time, it got caught on the towel when I was drying my face... ouch. I used pure tea tree oil on the area twice a day which worked like magic.

It's actually not that hard to apply the make up around the piercing and the results are not that noticeable. When I first got it, I just naturally and instinctively avoided that area and my friend who was watching me put on my makeup told me that I was doing that. I'm sure you'll figure it out too. Maybe use a smaller brush around it?


Well-known member
Thanks to everyone for your input!
I haven't gotten it pierced yet, and I'm not sure if I'm going to do so, but at least I have good advice now in case I *do* decide to have it done!


Well-known member
OMG avoid bactine like the plague. do not use it on piercings whatsoever it slows your heal time. if you read the bottle it says not for puncture wounds which so happens to be a piercing even though it is an intentional wound a wound nonetheless. i used to use bactine on my bellyring n it took forever to heal i kept wondering why then i asked the piercer who did my nose why and she said it was the bactine. i dont want anyone to go through the same thing i did. it made my piercing leak this weird stuff and caused major scarring. the salt water soaks are the best thing for your new piercing. do your research and ask many piercers what they think on bactine i can almost garuntee you they say not to use it!! your piercing should be healed completely in 4-6 weeks tops. mine felt complete the first day but thats not the case..(tlking bout my nose not belly)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tomodachi_usagi
OMG avoid bactine like the plague. do not use it on piercings whatsoever it slows your heal time. if you read the bottle it says not for puncture wounds which so happens to be a piercing even though it is an intentional wound a wound nonetheless.

I agree with you about bactine, although there are many in the piercing community who actually recommend its use. I was surprised when, just a few weeks ago, my DERMATOLOGIST (a young thing, BTW) suggested hydrogen peroxide. I was like what?? I've always been an antibacterial soap and water kind of girl but she said either that or peroxide is good.

your piercing should be healed completely in 4-6 weeks tops.

I have to disagree here, as I don't think I've ever met someone whose nostril piercing healed up in that short a time -- although yours certainly could have! Seems like most nostril (and other cartilage piercings) take a lot more time -- and care -- to heal. I don't feel that my nostril completely healed until after about 1 year. It was a very finicky piercing, as was my helix.

Bottom line, though, just keep it clean.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAChostage
I was surprised when, just a few weeks ago, my DERMATOLOGIST (a young thing, BTW) suggested hydrogen peroxide.

ouch, on a fresh piercing*cringe*. keeping it clean 4SURE!!! the best thing you could do for a piercing!!


Well-known member
I've had my nose pierced since I was 16 - and that as 16 years ago...LOL! Best advice is dont touch it - just keep the area dry and clean using a simple antiseptic. I would try to avoid wearing any makeup while the piercing is still fresh and dont fiddle with the post because a) it will delay healing time, and b) you are introducing grubs everytime you touch (whether you have washed your hands or not!!!) and you increase the risk of infection. I have had only one infection in 16 years and I dont plan on another, it was serious and caused a sinus (recessing) into the nasal cavaity and up into and around the cartilage/nasal septum which took weeks to heal and plenty of antibiotics. There is a slightly higher risk of meningitis with nose pierced infections as well so while plenty of people will play and fiddle and use makeup and dont have problems, there are plenty more who end up with very serious infections so if you do fiddle with it make sure you clean the post thoroughly with an antiseptic - best way is to clean the post then soak the piercing IN the solution for a period of time - the post is NOT the only part of the piece that can be contaminated and cause infection, and keep the whole area around the piercing site clean.
Once the piercing is healed you shouldnt have a problem with it
I regularly change my pieces, I have loads of them and love them all.


Well-known member
Uff.... it's been ages since I had my nose pierced.... so I can't say anything in regards to Mineral Makeup. (I wasn't using any back then.) Common sense tells me that any sort of makeup should be kept away from the piercing, for at least a month and longer if it seem to heal slower.

I agree with another poster on healing time. Cartilage piercings can take up to 2 years to fully heal. My nose piercing took about a year, I think. I'm sure you don't have to wait that long before applying makeup.... but be careful and don't gunk it onto that area and the jewlery. Use a small concealer brush to apply any sort of foundation or powder near the piercing.

I also never used bactine, alcohol or peroxide on my nose and belly piercings. Instead, I used anti-bacterial soap and sterile (salt water) saline.


Well-known member
The person who pierced my nose told me to use ear wash ( the same stuff you clean ear piercing)


Well-known member
i have mine done,
when its healing,
its best that you dont wear foundation/stuff around it.
but you can always take a q-tip and and get the foundation thats right around it

and DONT use ear cleansing solution
thats too harsh,
you use
seal salt soaks.
for your piercings
3 times a day


[im working on my piercing license]


Well-known member
AAACK!! NEVER EVER EVER USE THAT EAR CRAP ON ANOTHER PIERCING! I have had my nose pierced for 7 years and NEVER had a problem. I was pierced by a certified nurse and practiced piercer too. I was given sea salt and told to get plain glycerin soap. No dyes, perfumes, just soap. Can't remember the recommendation, though.

Wet a cotton ball with warm sea salt water and hold on the piercing for a few minutes. Use a q tip to remove any crusty or oozy bits. Then wash your face with the plain soap. It may be a little drying, but it's only for a few weeks. You can go back to your skincare regimen after 3 weeks. The only part of your skincare regimen you have to give up for that time is the cleanser you normally use.

After the 3 weeks, foundations are fine and not to worry! I do use a small brush to apply foundation around the piercing.

FYI - if you wake up and it's halfway out of your nose, it's NORMAL just push it back in. It may be tender when this happens, but after a while it won't be at all. Also, do NOT remove the jewelry for 6-7 months as it will close up FAST.

Hope that helps and enjoy!