Okay, I need to get into SHAPE!!


Well-known member
Great news I'm at 125 pounds. I haven't had a lot of time for excercise but i eat salads and sushi alot now. My husband has even asked me not to lose any more weight, but i still feel the need to be a size 1 or 3. It's seriously addicting. My grandma still says i'm fat though. She only weighs 87 pounds! My mom told me she thought moms never ate food when she was a kid! , So now i'm suspecting my grandma has undiagnosed anorexia. This does worry me a bit since it's heriditary and i seem to be enjoying losing weight I just don't know if i will be satisfied when i reach my goal. I just have to continue eating well. any thoughts?


Well-known member
Wow! You really have come a long way! Congrats to you! Losing weight is a hard thing to do. I would just stick to your initial goal of 20 pounds, and when you reach it just maintain. Don't lose anymore. You definitely don't want to go overboard, you want to look and feel healthy. I do have a question for you though..how do you keep your motivation up? I hate to exercise, so I know I will have to do more in the diet area to lose.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACATTAK
Wow! You really have come a long way! Congrats to you! Losing weight is a hard thing to do. I would just stick to your initial goal of 20 pounds, and when you reach it just maintain. Don't lose anymore. You definitely don't want to go overboard, you want to look and feel healthy. I do have a question for you though..how do you keep your motivation up? I hate to exercise, so I know I will have to do more in the diet area to lose.

Honestly I don't really like excercising, but i like the feeling afterwards. What keeps me motivated? I guess seeing other people that are fit. I don't want people to see me at my ten year class reunion next year and think i've let myself go. I don't want my husband to be turned off by me, alot of things really..oh and knowing the older i get the more difficult it will be for me to lose weight.


Well-known member
Well, I did it, sort of. I'm at 110 pounds now. I radically changed my eating habits, but i haven't really been excercising. I would still like to be more toned, but at least the rolls are gone. My in laws said i lost too much weight, but i feel pretty good. I don't think its possible for me to lose any more weight though without totally starving myself.
I have to admit some days i hardly eat anything though. The thought of food sometimes makes me feel gross. I've gotten to the point now where i only eat for the nutrients, not because it brings me joy. I've cut out beef and pork and really only eat fish. I'm not a big fan of chicken except for now and then. I love smoothies (without the ice cream). and I eat lowfat yogurt alot. My skin has improved alot too. I don't get the cystic acne i used to and I only get a pimple now and then. My hair and nails are growing really fast now and i can't remember the last cold i got.
So basically i need some toning, but i'm not stressing right now, just trying to enjoy the smaller clothes i get to wear.


Well-known member
I wish I had your determination. I'm just soooo lazy, lol. I always say I don't have any time to exercise because of school.. but I always have time for Specktra. ahaha. xD


great job! i am also in need to lose some weight but i am so lazy. losing weight is not an easy task. it's great that you had such determination to reach your goal. congrats on your accomplishment. do you have any tips for others who also want to lose some weight?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.libra
great job! i am also in need to lose some weight but i am so lazy. losing weight is not an easy task. it's great that you had such determination to reach your goal. congrats on your accomplishment. do you have any tips for others who also want to lose some weight?

The biggest thing to make you lose weight when you are doing a small amount of excercise is stopping all sweets, candy, cookies, cakes, ice cream, at the same time increasing your consumption of fruit, veggies and lean meat. Beef is also out for me. I stick to fish and chicken. Fiber is really important too so you can go to the bathroom more, your stomach will be nice and flat after awhile. Bran cereals are really good if you've never tried them by the way.
I know it sounds really difficult to stop eating sweets, but after a bit you really forget about it because your body doesn't need it.
I've also been doing reps of arm excercises with small arm weights (5 pounds) and have noticed quite a difference. I'm actually getting some shape instead of flabby arms with extra skin.
You should really start to see the results in a couple of weeks. It took me 6 months without excercise to get down to 110 pounds. I can imagine it would have taken only 3 months or less if i'd been doing cardio, but i'm lazy. Slowly i'm going jogging 2 times a week. I may bump it up a day. I don't want to lose more weight, just firm up more and get my posture better.
Its hard at first but then you get used to it. Now i have snuck some snacks here and there.


Well-known member
congrats on reaching ur goal! i wish i was as determined as u. i keep saying i need to work out and i don't end up doing it because i'm drowning in school work and it's so hard to eat healthy cuz it just doesn't taste as good lol. i need to lose weight when school's done tho so i can look good for the summer


Well-known member
Originally Posted by christineeee_
congrats on reaching ur goal! i wish i was as determined as u. i keep saying i need to work out and i don't end up doing it because i'm drowning in school work and it's so hard to eat healthy cuz it just doesn't taste as good lol. i need to lose weight when school's done tho so i can look good for the summer

I hadn't really thought of the summer yet, but hey that's a definite perk. As for eating healthy...it started to taste better than unhealthy food for some reason. I guess my body changed to accept the healthier foods and say no to the junk foods. I'd like to work out too. I don't like to go jogging in my neighborhood alone and my husband never wants to go. I should get a gym membership, but i'm too cheap haha.


Well-known member
You are my inspiration! I am also 5'5 and im frikin 145 lbs... i used to be 5'5 and a size 0. yeah i thought that sh*t was gross! once i was so thin i was actually a 00, yeah a got-damn DOUBLE 0!!! that was like 3 years ago. I started to gain weight and i just didn't stop. I like being a fuller figured woman, shoot i have boobs now and i enjoy them a whooole lot. lol. But my family keeps telling me that i'm fat and it's really starting to annoy me and i guess i do need to work out. I could really do with a tighter tummy and smaller arms.... So i started a diet last week. Wish me luck!

And DUH! Congradulations! you rock!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by angeluv009
You are my inspiration! I am also 5'5 and im frikin 145 lbs... i used to be 5'5 and a size 0. yeah i thought that sh*t was gross! once i was so thin i was actually a 00, yeah a got-damn DOUBLE 0!!! that was like 3 years ago. I started to gain weight and i just didn't stop. I like being a fuller figured woman, shoot i have boobs now and i enjoy them a whooole lot. lol. But my family keeps telling me that i'm fat and it's really starting to annoy me and i guess i do need to work out. I could really do with a tighter tummy and smaller arms.... So i started a diet last week. Wish me luck!

And DUH! Congradulations! you rock!

Thanks I'm glad I could be of inspiration. Definitily do cardio, it will make you lose weight faster, i've been slacking on it and i want muscle definition. A double 0 is really really thin. I wouldn't go that far again though, I can't imagine how hard i'd have to work to be that tiny. My family told me too that I was gaining too fast and they were a good wake up call for me. I'm glad they said it and not some cute guy, lol.


Well-known member
Thank you for commenting on my journal!

Actually, I read through a lot of the journals on here last night, and yours stuck out to me. It was what inspired me to start one in the first place! I admire your dedication and I applaud your success. Congratulations on staying strong and reaching your goal!


Well-known member
I'm at 115 right now and i'm not trying to lose or gain any weight and so far it has remained steady. I haven't been working out except for daily swims, but i'm eating really well now. I don't even get cravings for ice cream or candy anymore.
I feel alot better about myself in a bikini too. My legs look great and i'm so happy that i can say that! I have some stretch marks on my tummy that are there to stay, but strangely they don't bug me like they did when I weighed more. With a tan they are really less noticeable. I'm so glad i'm smaller than i was. Clothes fit so much better and the fitting room is no longer a dreaded place to go. I actually am broke at the moment because most of the clothes i tried on looked really good. I'm also trying to dress more for my body type, which is great for me, bad for my pocketbook.