on my 8 year anniversary...


Well-known member
Hey everyone!

I debated if this would go under SAY CHEESE or here, but i just picked here b/c of the whole reason why it happened! Mods, move it if it's better suited under another forum.

Sooooo, I haven't posted in monthssss - literally! So i just wanted to update you guys a little about my personal (love) life. There are so many of you who are in long term relationships, some even longer than mine!, and when i hear about them, it really makes me happy and smile! Happy couples have a place in my heart i tell ya. So i just wanted to share my story with you all...

I celebrated my 8 years anni with the boyfriend Oct 18, and i was planning on a weekend getaway with him cuz our anni falls on a sunday. But it was all crushed when he had planned something for us already. I found out a week ahead b/c i forced it out of him
....and....i DIED.

Basically...he planned for us to pick this little bugger up....and we did!

Everybody, meet RAMBO! (at 10 weeks! - he's now 13 weeks.)





my brother got him doggie PJs!!!!


i caught him chewing on my camera case, so i took a picture of it with him, and just as a clicked my camera...he did this:


that's my proud camera case eatin' puppy!!
I LOVE him! and i LOVE my hubsters!

So my question to you is...has your significant other done any heart warming things for you that you just adored? If you have any love tales, please do share!!! I'd love to hear about them!


Well-known member
my goodness Rambo is such a cutie!!!! such cute eyes and he looks so fluffy! that was so sweet of your guy to do that!

my hubby has never done anything like that for me before... but he does lots of little sweet things like buying me a lush bath bomb and things like that
or some mac of course!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by makeba
OH HE IS BEAUTIFUL!!!!! What kind of puppy is he?

He looks like a Maltese

Congratulations on the adorable puppy!


Well-known member
Thanks everyone! I'll make sure to tell Rambo you guys think he's really cute.
but remember to share your sweet moments if you have any.

Originally Posted by LMD84
my hubby has never done anything like that for me before... but he does lots of little sweet things like buying me a lush bath bomb and things like that
or some mac of course!

i think that's pretty sweet. i would kill for my man to buy me mac! he hates makeup!
tsk tsk on him. haha

Originally Posted by MACATTAK
Sooo sooo cute!!! He looks like he really likes those pajamas too!

actually he hates them! i had to put the pjs on him AFTER he passed out and quickly snapped some pics.

Originally Posted by makeba
OH HE IS BEAUTIFUL!!!!! What kind of puppy is he?

Thank you! and yup, what DILLIGAF said! he's a Maltese


Well-known member
i hope he behaves well for you! i can't stop looking at your pics! he's sooo cute! his little paws are so fluffy! it looks liek he's wearing socks that are too big!

you do realise that now you have a puppy you'll have to regularly post pics in the 'show off your pets' thread in the say cheese forum!
we insist!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LMD84
i hope he behaves well for you! i can't stop looking at your pics! he's sooo cute! his little paws are so fluffy! it looks liek he's wearing socks that are too big!

you do realise that now you have a puppy you'll have to regularly post pics in the 'show off your pets' thread in the say cheese forum!
we insist!!

puppy paws are fantastic! if you have a dog, or can get to a dog, smell its paws....most dog paws smell like doritos/stinky feet.
im serious. Maybe cuz rambo's still a pup, or he doesn't go out TOO much (been rainy lately - i hate the smell of wet dog!), but his paws still smell normal. maybe it's the physiological/chemical interaction btwn paws and grass/soil? who knowsss. anyone have a dog to sniff to confirm the dorito-ness? i know 2 other ppl and both their dog's paws smell like doritos.

but behaviour wise, he's been good! needs reminders on where to go potty sometimes, but overall, he knows where to go when it's in his vision. he looooves chewing stuff though, little buggers are coming out of his gums.

and boy do i have pics to show off! haha

Originally Posted by xxManBeaterxx
That's just cuteness overload!!!!! My 8 years ani is coming up this december *quietly prays for a puppy*

GOOD LUCK!!!! *crosses my fingers and toes for you!* it's so exciting! especially if it's your first dog. Rambo's my first. the bf decided on a pup cuz he knows how lonely i am at home. I hope you get a puppy!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
OMG your puppy is so freakin cute, can I come visit him next time in TO?
and congrats on your anniversary, 8 years is a milestone

I think the sweetest thing (and surprising) my hubby has done was a surprise trip to the Dominican for our first wedding anniversary. He's a sweet guy though, I'm the one who needs to get more romantic, lol
We've been together 7 years, married for two. Time does fly so fast!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shadowy Lady
OMG your puppy is so freakin cute, can I come visit him next time in TO?
and congrats on your anniversary, 8 years is a milestone

I think the sweetest thing (and surprising) my hubby has done was a surprise trip to the Dominican for our first wedding anniversary. He's a sweet guy though, I'm the one who needs to get more romantic, lol
We've been together 7 years, married for two. Time does fly so fast!

hehe that's pretty awesome!!! you must have had a goooooooood time for your anni. sometimes i can't believe how much time has passed.


Well-known member
Aaaw, what a cutie pie! Just like a little stuffed animal--like you could put a key in his back and he'd look like a wind up toy, lol.



Well-known member
thx guys!

Originally Posted by makeupNdesign
Aaaw, what a cutie pie! Just like a little stuffed animal--like you could put a key in his back and he'd look like a wind up toy, lol.


like the ones that bark and do backflips? haha sooooo many people have told me that!!


Well-known member
hee hee! i wish i had a dog so i could smell it's paws! dorito feet! made me chuckle! i shall get my friend to smell her dogs feet and will let you knwo what she says!