One size fits all...?


Well-known member
I was always under the impression that this mean 8 to 14 uk and 6 - 12 us.

How wrong I was. It would appear that my new "One size fits all" dress doesn't even fit my size 6 friend! It appears to be about a UK 4 which is barely one size fits some let alone all. At a UK 8-10 I expected it to fit.

Does anybody know the actual sizing rule for one size?? isn't there a legal standard??

Does anyone else find it VERY disheartening when a store or item has a grossly incorrect sizing?

I have seen a friend burst into tears over needing a 24 rather than an 18 because the sizing was off. This was Newlook. I have heard before that thier clothing is better fit a size up. Is that true?

Are there any other huge offenders for badly sized stuff?

Has anyone ever seen it in shoe stores???

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
Never in shoe stores, that seems ridiculous.

I have one dress that's one size fit all from American Apparel and it seems to be a medium/large size. It's too big but I have hemmed it and turned it into a tunic which looks nice a bit bigger.

I'm not sure if there is a law regarding that but to me, one size fits all is a ridiculous size and if it fits you, that's all the better for you. Just doesn't seem to make sense.

Sizing is so subjective depending on the targeted demographic of the store, which is partly why vanity sizing exists along with a growing demographic. I don't think there is a law regarding it because every girl knows a 6 at x store is not a 6 at y store.

I don't think she should let it get to her. Sizing is not standardized and just because she does not fit into it, does not mean she has gained weight.