Online Store?


Well-known member
Hi i was just wondering if doing an online makeup store or ebay account is actually profitable. I also now wonder where i may be able to get my supplies or any pointers to help guide this thought. Thanks!


Well-known member
Do you mean a makeup store targeted toward makeup artists or just a makeup store?

If it's toward makeup artists with professional quality stuff yeah you could potentially make some money. But quite honestly if you're just looking to resell makeup I don't for see anyone making a butt ton of money off it on the internet. There are so many people now buying the same products from the same private label cosmetic distributors that it's just sort of pointless.


Well-known member
hey thanks for replying=)!
and i think i came to realize that too, esp if im just reselling makeup. I can't compete with China for cheap quality stuff since they are selling eye shadow pigments for like a cent, while i dont think i have the qualifications to get high end make-up for a generous price. Eh maybe ill try to make some money in another way:p