Order of Application


Well-known member
Hey ladies! Like most of us, I am trying to perfect my makeup application skills. I wanted to know if there was a particular order that you apply your makeup. Do you add the brow highlighter first, the lid color first or the crease color first?

Share ladies!!!


Well-known member
I kind of vary in eyeshadow application order. Normally I do my lid color, then my crease ad outercorner, then my highlight and innercorner hilight. And some where in between I do my lower lashline...

but it depends on the look I'm going for. It's all about preference. Thre's no right or wrong way. It's art!


Well-known member
1. Moisturizer
2. Concealer
3. Paint Pot or Paint (Some people use UDPP)
4. Prime Eye ( I use Soft Brown or Saddle) above crease
5. Lid Color
6. Crease Color (There are times when I do this before the lid color)
7. Define outer crease <
8. Highlight inner crease if I choose >
9. Go back over lid, crease if needed
10. Highlight brow blending well- I like a natural looking brow highlight.
11. Line Eyes
12. Curl lashes
13. Eyelash primer
14. Mascara
15. Clean up any fall out or mess- Then I do foundation, powder, blush, lips

I can't believe I forgot about shading in my brows. I do this with my favorite NYX pencil when I finish my eyes.


Well-known member
Thanks gurls!!!

More feedback pweeze!!!


Well-known member
I have to say I do my lid color first but I do alt least 2 colors on the lid. I go from inside to outside then the crease then the outer v to contour then the highlight to blend out the harsh edges.


Well-known member
Hey! So here is my daily routine.

1. Moisturizer
2. Eye shadow primer (UDPP)
3. Inner, middle, outer, crease, brow bone
4. Upper eye liner, curl lashes, mascara, eye brows, and eye brow gel
5. Clean fall out with MAC wipes
6. Concealer
7. Foundation
8. Loose powder foundation
9. Blush/bronzer/Sculpt & Shape (which ever goes with the mu that day)
10. Fix +

Steps 11, 12, 13 are done at the school parking lot. lol I never have time to put my full look together at home or I would be late!

11. Liner in water line
12. Lip liner, chap stick (if I bring it), lip stick, and gloss
13. Using a retractable brush I use MAC Select Sheer Pressed over T zone and under eye just incase there is a finger print mark/discoloration from eye liner application.

Best advice I can give you?
Always use a brush! Retractable ones are great for "on the go makeup"! Even when your touching up at school/work/where ever. Why?

1. Less bacteria = less prone to break outs 2. Doesn't look cakey

Hope this helps!


Well-known member
  1. moisturizer
  2. lip conditioner
  3. face primer
  4. apply paint to eyelids
  5. crease color
  6. lid color(s)
  7. additional crease color if needed
  8. highlight
  9. bridge color btw highlight & crease or blend the two together
  10. eyeliner
  11. mascara
  12. check for fallout, remove if necessary
  13. foundation
  14. powder
  15. blush
  16. eyebrows
  17. lipstick
  18. lipgloss


Well-known member
This is my routine

- Serums
- Eye Cream/depuffer
- Moisturize
- Primer + Mac Matte
- Concealer
- Foundation + setting powder
- Shadow insurance (primer)
- Paint pot
- Inner corner, Middle lid, Crease colour/s, Outer lid, Brow highlight. Sometimes I go back and add a little dash of sparkle right to the centre of my lids or just pack a little more colour on. And sometimes I do the crease before anything else but it depends on the colours I'm using and if it's a pigment or not.
- Pencil liner then fluidline
- Mascara
- Brows
- Tidy up any mistakes/fallout
- Blush
- Blot powder in T-zone
- Lip liner/stick, gloss

Lol I never realized how many steps there were!


Well-known member
Thank you ladies.

I was just asking because from looking at FOTD's and tutorials (whethere they're video or pictures), it seems like some people were putting eyecolor on the lids and then crease and then highlight. Then there were some that were starting off with the hightlight color and then the lid and then the crease. Then I saw some that put the crease color first. And then I was like

Thanks for your input.

EDIT: Oh damn, I just checked the link Nunu posted. Its already been asked. Sorry.