Origins anyone?


Well-known member
So, the economic times--and the fact that I no longer have a Sephora discount--has caused me to make some shifts in my spending. So I thought I would try a less costly brand than what I've been using but without going drugstore. I made a stop at the Origins counter this evening and got some samples of some products and I also made a small purchase. I just wanted to know if anyone here uses Origins skincare, and if so, what products do you love and what products do you recommend?

To be specific, I have combo/oily skin, big pores, extremely mild acne (the occasional "time of the month" breakout, white/blackheads across the nose) but i do get a little tight and uncomfortable in the winter.

Any feedback is extremely appreciated!


Well-known member
i don't use the stuff regularly because it's quite pricey in the uk. but i love the modern friction micro exfoliator. my skin is always really smoooth after and seem to get rid of oilyness for a while too. i usually use it once a week though because it's very scrubby if you know what i mean!


Well-known member
I agree with LMD84, in the UK Origins products are still relatively expensive, I have used them in the past but at the moment I'm sticking with my faithful Elemis. I do still buy Origins body products those, my Mum loves the Ginger range.

I have experience of the Never A Dull Moment cleanser, United State toner, Balanced Diet moisturiser, Clear Improvement mask, Swept Away exfoliator and the Spot Remover. I liked everything apart from the moisturiser, it just did nothing for me I think the problem was that it was too thin, I like a thicker moisturiser, the mask in particular was fantastic and the Spot Remover for those troublesome blemishes. It's the only product I've bought again.


Well-known member
I have a little bottle of Origins spot treatment.. when I get a small pimple looking thingy I attack with this wonderous stuff..and overnight, ZAP! It is gone

I also love some of the White tea products! Moisturizer and Nightamins!