Other State measures that passed or failed last night


Well-known member
California passed Prop 8, which removes the rights of gay people to get married in that state.

Florida and Arizona voted to ban gay marriage outright.

Colorado rejected a law stating life begins at conception, which would have meant abortion was treated as equal to murder.

South Dakota has decided that abortion will remain legal, which means it won't be setting up a precedent to challenge Roe v Wade. The measure was seeking to restrict abortion to the point it would've been almost impossible for a woman to have one.

Michigan voted in the legalisation of the medical use of marijuana.

Nebraska ended affirmative action in that state.

Washington (state) is now allowing doctor-assisted suicide, joining its neighbour Oregon to become only the second state to allow this practice.


Clearly, we have so much further to go as a nation. I'm surprised California has voted to restrict the civil rights of gay people. Nevertheless, I am so proud to be an American today. I haven't felt that kind of pride in over eight years - and it has to be said, Clinton didn't make me all that proud either.

I'm tired of the whole world hating us for all the evil things and evil people we've put into power, both in the White House and abroad.

I'm tired of being cagey about admitting I'm from Texas when people demand to know exactly where in America I am from.

I'm tired of being ashamed of our behaviour in foreign lands.

I so badly want to believe that President Obama will help us lift our heads up with courage and pride again. We have so much to answer for, as a nation and as a people. I feel like in so many ways, electing Obama is a statement to the world - we know we've fucked up badly in the past, and we're trying to be better now. I so much want to believe that we'll have a better foreign policy with this man in our Oval Office. But so much is riding on him now, and he is inexperienced in so many ways.

I just pray that he survives being President and we don't see some hate-filled racist mongrel assassinate him. The Secret Service better triple the security - there has never been a president with more need of that protection than now.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Ban on dog racing in MA

Decriminalization of marijuana possession in MA if you're caught with an ounce or less.


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I might be wrong but in my home state (Washington) I think that one passed where if a person has less than six months to live they can request an assisted suicide. I voted FOR that.


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Maryland's big issues, slots and early voting, both passed too, and by big margins. Slots was passed at 59% and early voting at 71%.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pink_lily002
Maryland's big issues, slots and early voting, both passed too, and by big margins. Slots was passed at 59% and early voting at 71%.

I was so conflicted about Question 2 (slots), but I ultimately voted yes. Still unsure about it. I most def. voted yes for early voting here in MD.


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Arkansas passed an amendment to have a state lottery and one to allow unmarried and gay couples the right to adopt


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Originally Posted by yodagirl
Arkansas passed an amendment to have a state lottery and one to allow unmarried and gay couples the right to adopt

Yeah for Arkansas


Well-known member
Originally Posted by couturesista
Yeah for Arkansas

We need to change that to a BIG BOO for Arkansas

I did a little more research on the Amendment and turns out it DIDN'T pass....52% voted not to allow unmarried and gays to adopt, while 48% voted to allow it....Its disgusts me to absolutely no end

It saddens me in this day and age, that so many people (AR residents) believe that children should only be in a married couple household. Children deserve every chance at happiness and opportunity in this life, just as people who choose not to marry (or don't have the chance to marry) do. DF and I have talked about adopting for several years now and this is just one more door being slammed in our face. We have no plans of marrying anytime soon, but have shared the desire of giving an unloved child a home of love and hope. Unmarried people, whether opposite-sex or same-sex, are just as capable of giving a child a safe home just as married ones are....I'm just sick to my stomach over this.


Well-known member
california voted:

yes on proposition one, which means we'll be getting high-speed railway systems in metropolitan areas.

yes on proposition two, which regulates the treatment of farm animals and requires certain amounts of living space for meat animals.

yes on proposition three, which (i THINK) will offer state funds to build children's hospitals.

no on proposition four, which would have required minors to get their parent's permission to get abortions.

no on proposition five, which would have loosened parole for drugs and sex offenders and identity thiefs. the proposition also would have made rehabilitation an alternative to prison time/parole in most cases.

yes on proposition eight, which means that all marriage licenses granted to same sex couples in the state of california are no longer valid and no further licenses will be issued to same sex couples.

yes on proposition nine, which means that the victims of sexual crimes must be notified when their attacker is released on parole/probation and the victim will also be told where their assailant is living.

i don't know the rest off the top of my head...but i'm pretty impressed that california didn't give criminals any rights this time around. i'm proud of us right now.


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Originally Posted by carandru
^^ y, the sad face to children's hospitals? Just wondering.

the taxes in this state are bleeding me drrry. i don't think i can handle paying much more, to be honest. it's not the actual hospitals that bother me, it's the fiscal impact it's going to have. by the time we pay this back, it's estimated that these hospitals will have costs the state nine billion dollars.


Well-known member
O ok, I figured it was something along the lines of that. Well that, or you hate sick children but I went with the first one

At least your taxes go towards something beneficial... we just spent 22 million on a pedestrian bridge from Omaha to Council Bluffs, IA. Really, 22 million dollars to be able to walk somewhere?

not that it really matter where the taxes go. If you can't afford em, you can't afford em.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by carandru
At least your taxes go towards something beneficial... we just spent 22 million on a pedestrian bridge from Omaha to Council Bluffs, IA. Really, 22 million dollars to be able to walk somewhere?

walking is good though!