Paints, paint pots, and shade sticks . . .


Well-known member
What is the difference between these products, aside from the packaging? How do the formulations differ and which one do you prefer and why? Do you need to use a primer underneath? Thanks for your help!


Well-known member
Paint pots seem to me to be a little heavier/creamier than the paints. The packaging of a paint pot is way better than paints as you don't loose as much product. Shadesticks are a little dryer than paint pots/paints, but are still smooth enough to put shadows on top. You may need a primer if your lids are pretty oily, but for me I don't use primer under any of these, and I never crease. It's all about finding what works for you.


Well-known member
it all depends on my mood, i use paintpots and shadesticks...paint pots are cool but lately ive been using my shadesticks..yesterday i used mangomix with firespot ooooooh sexy lol but its all comes down to preference


Well-known member
i do not like paints because they dry so quickly! now that the paint pots came out, that is all i use because they get the job done, but do not dry on your lids as fast.


Well-known member
Shadesticks also have shimmer in them; none of them are matte. If the paint pots came out earlier I would be using them instead of the shadesticks to enhance particular colours. The shadesticks need a bit of warming up as well for a smooth application, and I usually use a neutral paint underneath (I don't apply heavily b/c of the shimmer so sometimes my NC30 lids show through). Not huge things, but perhaps points to consider. Doesn't mean I'll be tossing them for the paint pots!


Well-known member
With me it depends on the customers as to what I recommend them. If someone has really oily eye lids I'll show them paints, someone who wants something basic and easy and on the go I'll show them a shadestick, someone who wants a base/eyeshadow/eyeliner in one I'll show them a paint pot.


Well-known member
i use shadesticks and paintpots. i prefer paint pots they hold the colour and it doesnt crease. shadesticks are dry.


Well-known member
Thanks everyone for your input. I have been using UDPP or the one paint I have, Shimma. I think I am going to check out the paint pots because I do like how the paints hold shadow all day without creasing.