Parrot eyeshadow has laid an egg!


Well-known member
I can not wait for this collection, quite a bit I want
Thank god for that, I only like 2 items from this collection by the sounds of it! Pearlette and Ever Opal pearlizers.

Everything else sounds like I have something similar, or are colours I'm not keen on. (I have parrot, nice colour, took me a struggle to get, but I don't use it enough to need a back-up or replacement in the form of blue absinthe.)

This is good though, as I usually want everything, but perhaps I'm finally getting to the point where I have 'enough' at least for now.

Mind you, I thought I only liked 1 lipstick and 1 lipglass from naturally eccentric, but currently my list stands at 5 items inc. one of the quads which equals about £70. Why must you be so expensive and addicitive, precious MAC stuff? Boo hoo.


Well-known member
I've been trying so long to get parrot at a reasonable price on Ebay, but I can't see myself spending $50 on it. Blue Absinthe is gorgeous!! and the purple eyeshadow sounds lovely too...i can't wait that long!!!


Well-known member
Even if it isn't "Parrot" it still looks gorgeous! Other than that, I want:

Mystical Mist
Slave to Love

Not too much, but I'll still be broke with new VPs to buy as well.


Well-known member
Wow, this collection sounds so hot! I want to see Blue Absynthe(along with everyone else), Sensualize, and Mystical Myst. I'm so happy Jewelbright and Hipster's coming back too...


Well-known member
Wow, from the pic, that looks alot like Parrot. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a re-promote. Glad I sold my double while I did

I'm not really keen on this collection, besides the pearlizers and the peachy l/s. I'm saving my money for Veluxe Pearls


Well-known member
My MA at a freestanding store told me today that the collection would be coming out at the end of October, as it is part of the MAC Holiday stuff...not sure if he is right or not, but either way, I can't WAIT for it all!


Well-known member
it kinda looks like parrot, but a little more like Tilt. Could you add swatches of both colors side by side????


Well-known member
Im skipping Naturally eccentric (ill proab only get the nat ecc lipstick and one of the quads) so im def saving for this ornamentalism im gonna og crazy!!! pearlizers and shadows galore!! plus vps!! i need to send in my pro card app soon!!!! lol

Beauty Marked!

Well-known member
I just wanted to add, that Wishful has photographed rather more peachy than it is in the flesh. It is like a slightly less peachy Arena if you ask me. I wonder if it's because I photographed it on my fuchsia coloured desk? Ugh! Silly me. But all in all, it is fairly accurate. Certainly, little Miss Parrot is.


Well-known member
BM - in my opinion the photos have turned out FANTASTIC!!!

They are some of the best make-up photos I've seen.

Beauty Marked!

Well-known member
Originally Posted by angelwings
BM - in my opinion the photos have turned out FANTASTIC!!!

They are some of the best make-up photos I've seen.

Well certainly the photoshoping/tarting up is stellar.
Par excellence!
So big thumbs up yourself!
I mean that in the nicest possible way of course. xx


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jessica
it kinda looks like parrot, but a little more like Tilt. Could you add swatches of both colors side by side????

It does look alot like tilt.. but tilt is strange as it goes on me more purpley and less green/blue.